It's My Fault

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The Intelligence Unit with Will sat in the waiting room. Waiting. Then within a few moments of waiting, in came the Wood clan. Nancy looking like a complete mess. Nancy was holding Grace and was looking around in an utter panic.

Lorelei was next to her dad, Peter, who seemed to be the only one who wasn't crying. Peter saw Will, and remembered him as Riley's boyfriend.

"Will," Peter's voice drawn Will from his thoughts, "Wh- What happened?"

Lorelei looks at Will with red eyes, "We don't know what happened- and- if she's okay."

Will stands up and addresses the family, "Uh- Riley was stabbed," He said, "At a diner during some investigation."

Nancy looks at Will, "Why? Why was she even there? She isn't a damn cop!"

Voight looks up, "She was there because if she didn't go innocent people would have died." He said.

Nancy's eyes strike Voight, "Well now my daughter is going to die or worst and it'll be on your hands!" She screams.

It caused Grace to tear up again, leaving Lorelei to grab her nine year old sister away from her mom. Lorelei took Grace to a chair, sitting down next to Erin. Erin smiled at the girls, and hugged Lorelei.

"She volunteered to go," Hank said.

"She isn't a cop," Nancy said, "She shouldn't be in the hospital."

Peter steps over, "Nancy,"

Nancy shakes her head, "No- No! I- I'll have your damn job! You put my daughter in danger!"

Everyone was silent in the waiting room. And then in came Connor, who was seen by Will first. Will walked over to Connor, who gives Will a reassuring smile.

"Dr Rhodes," Alvin said, "How is she?"

Nancy turns, "Is- Is she alive?"

Connor nods, "Riley is in stable condition right now." He starts, "Her wound at her collar bone caused some tearing in her muscle, but we were able to fix it. Her spleen did take a lot of damage from the stabbing, so we removed it. We were able to stop bleeding and even removed her from the machine."

"She's breathing on her own?" Will asks.

Connor nods and even handed over her charts to Will to look at, "Her blood count was low when she was brought in, so we had to give her more and fluids. So she'll have some IVs in her, if you decide to pay her a visit."

Lorelei looks at Connor, "But- she is- she is going to be okay?" She asks in between choking on her tears.

Connor nods, "Yeah. She'll be okay, it'll take time to heal but she'll be fine." He smiles, "She's even conscious at the moment."

"Oh can we see her?" Nancy asks.

Connor glanced from Nancy to Voight, "She asked to speak to Sergeant Voight first," He said, "Seemed important."

This caused a glare from Nancy. Voight glanced his team, they nod and he heads off. Connor gets a handshake from Voight, as he thanks him.

"Thank you for saving her," He said.

Connor nods, "Your welcome."

Voight heads to her room. While everyone went back to what they were doing prior. Will was speaking to Connor about doctor stuff, Jay sits next to Erin near the Unit, and the Wood clan stayed near themselves away from the cops.

When Voight enters the room, he sees all these machines hooked to Riley. She had a nurse checking on her before leaving. Riley glances to see Voight, despite being in the bed she looked fine.

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