1. Home Alone

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I'm on the couch in front of the TV flickering through channels to find something decent to watch.

"Oh my god there's nothing on TV!" I shout.

You're probably wondering why I shouted that and thinking if my parents would hear, no. Because I'm the only one in this house (as usual) I'm always home alone, I don't think I can remember seeing my parents in this house for 5 minutes because they're always at work and then they go out after that. Yes, my parents are quite young they had me when my mum was 17 and my dad was 18, they still done all this when I was growing up it's a daily routine for the past 16 years. So I'm used to being alone.

I get off the couch and go upstairs to my room, and I call my friend Jessica. We've been best friends since we were 4, she was my neighbour growing up because I had nothing to do when my mum and dad work or go clubbing, she was there for me.

Until she became the most popular girl in school and she doesn't even speak to me anymore. At school she would sit with her new friends, I call them 'the slags' but Jessica isn't a slag but she always hangs around with them, and she got a boyfriend and he is the most popular boy in school so they match perfectly.

It's the first week of summer. So no more school for 6 weeks thank god. But as you can see I'm bored out of my mind!

I call Jessica to see if she wanted to hang out I hope she's not with her 'friends' that would be awkward.

She answered by the second ring.

"Hello?" she seemed confused.

"Hi!" I said happily that she answered.

"Who's this?"

I can't believe she's doing this, I'm on her caller ID.

"Oh come on Jess, it's me Chris." I said getting fed up already.

"Oh hi! Sorry I didn't read the caller ID."

Of course she didn't.

"Erm... That's okay, I was wondering if you want to hang out?"

It was silent for about three second until I heard laughing in the background.

"Aww, little Chris wants to hang out" I hear someone shout over the phone and it's not Jessica.

"Shhh.. Be quiet Chelsea!" Jessica hisses.

Chelsea of course, the leader of 'the slags' I should of known that Jessica would be with all of them.

"Sounds like you have company Jess" I say gritting through my teeth.

"Uh... Yeah sorry Chris I have to go but maybe we can hang out another time?" She said innocently. Suddenly I heard more laughing in the background.

"Whatever" then I hung up.

I love how she suddenly forgot about me in a year, I felt tears pouring down my face.

I lay on my bed and I curl up in a ball and just cry to myself,


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