12. But I'm Still Punk Rock!!!!!!!!

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I continue talking to Ashton on the phone

"No, it's actually me?..." I say more like a question


"Hey!! I told you to never say my middle name, you know I hate it!" I really do

"I'm sorry but tell me why your in the hospital!" He says so strictly

"Calm down mother" I tease

"This is not a joke!"

What can I say, he's the dad in our band so he worries a lot!

"Okay!! I'm sorry" I apologise

"Tell me what happened" he said calmly

"Okay... Well I was just walking through the park, I was hungry so I was going to get food- anyway, I came across Jessica"

I've seen a picture of her before but this was the first time I ever saw her

I continue

"So I walk past and hear one of her friends say...Christina is a slag, she's such a cry baby too! She needs to go die! Her parents don't even like her, and then I hear another girl say... No one does, and everyone starts laughing there head off, including Jessica. I went up to them and said, you don't even know her! Your just jealous that your not as out going as she is or nice or amazing, your just some girl who can't live her own life and feel better insulting other people, I get cut off by the girls boyfriend, he starts shoving me then I punched him then the other guys from the group joined in and I was attacked and I'm not the strongest boy but I got away... So that's what happened" I was literally out of breath

"Oh... My... God!! I can't believe Jessica would just watch and let her friends talk trash about Christina!" Ashton said shocked

"She obviously wasn't a true friend in the first place then!" I say

"Are you badly hurt??" He was concerned

"No really just my face Is bleeding a bit and my body is very sore, but other than that I'm fine!"

I smile over the phone

"Okay maybe that was a stupid question" he giggles

"That was a very sweet thing you done for her, you know that!" He said happily

"She's one of my buddies of course I'll look out for her, just like I look out for you,Calum and Luke" I smile

"Awwwww! You're a real gentleman!" He squeaks

"Yeah well... That's me!"

"But I'm still punk rock!!!!!!!!" I shout

"Okay! Mr punk rock, what are we going to do about the others?"

"Just call them, and tell them not to worry, I'll be at Chris's soon!" I say

"Ohhhhhh no!!!! Your not walking all the way to Chris's, I'll come to the hospital then Ill drive us there!" He's obviously proud

"Well... Fine"

"Thanks mate!" I say

"It's my pleasure" he giggles

So I just wait for Ashton to pick me up, I'm not that hurt so I'll be fine plus I care about my friends more.


Heyyyyyyyy! I hope you enjoyed Michael's POV! how sweet is he? Sticking up for Christina! A Calum's POV will be coming soon! Next chapter it's Christina's POV! Then I might do a Calum's POV! There will be one! Thanks for reading! Make sure to vote, comment! Thank you!!

Leah :) xx

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