27. I'm So Stupid

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I can't believe this

My eyes are filled with tears

I'm so stupid

Why? I'll tell you

1. I trusted Luke, he said he'd never go with Chelsea

2. He betrayed me

3. And I actually thought he liked me...

Christina stop it!!! Your with Ashton now, stop thinking about Luke! he doesn't like you in that way, he likes Chelsea

I wipe away my tears and wash my face, I probably had panda eyes

But no hate on pandas!


I tied my hair up in a ponytail

I hear the door open

"Chris, it's me Ash"

I sigh and turn around to see the most happiest boy ever and I'm wasting it by thinking about a boy who never even liked me in the first place!

And I didn't like him either-

My thoughts get cut off

"Are you okay?" he asked me worriedly

"Y-yeah" I hesitate I'm obviously not okay

He walks up and gives me a hug

He hugs me tight

"I hate seeing you cry, it feels like someone has punched my heart"

Oh my god that's so cute!

I smile weakly

He takes his hand and puts his fingers through my hair

It felt... nice?

He puts his lips onto mine

It was very soft but I couldn't take it, I can only think about Luke with Chelsea

Is it bad that I wish that this was Luke I was kissing?

CHRISTINA OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I separate the kiss

"Sorry Ashton but...I'm feeling very tired I need to rest"

"That's okay love, I'll see you tomorrow with the boys yeah?"

"Erm n-n-yeah sure" I wanted to say no, but I have to face Luke someday

Ashton kisses my cheek and walks out


I keep tossing and turning

I finally found a comfy spot to sleep on and drifted into a dream


"Christina Eva Ryan, do you take Lucas Robert Hemmings to be your husband?"

"I do" I say nervously

"And Lucas Robert Hemmings, do you take Christina Eva Ryan to be your wife?"

"I do" he said smiling at me

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride"

Luke take my vale out of my face and kissed me

Moments later someone barges through the door

"Stop the wedding! Luke's mine!!" Chelsea shouted

She runs to us and pushes me to the ground she's laughs and Everyone joins in even Luke

All the boys were laughing at me too

Somehow my parents were there and they were laughing there heads off

I was crying and I ran away and Chelsea pulled me by the hair and smacked my face through the door-


I filled with sweat and my breathing isn't even my heart is thumping so quickly

I feel a tear run down my face

"It was just a dream"

I kept repeating the same thing over and over again

"It was just a dream"


Heyyyyyyyy you! so I hope that was okay!

OMG!!! I have 181 reads!!! that's probably not much to some people but it is to me, thank you so much for reading this and voting! I love you guys! 💞🙈

I dedicate this chapter to @jagodzianka1 she helped me a bit with this chapter!!! And OMG GO READ HER BOOKS!!!! There absolutely AMAZBALLS! Haha I swear they are!

There both 5sos books!

Her first book is so good!

It's called Him

Her second one is really good!!!!

It's called the four of us!

I'm in it lol!!

I'm Leah (obviously!)

She's in it too!

She's Jagoda (obviously again!)

So yeahhhhhh!

Thanks for reading!!!!!

Leah 😍☺️💖💞💕🙊💋💘💜💛❤️😂

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