20. CHELSEA??!!

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I wake up to find myself on the couch

Where am I?

Awwwwww I'm at Luke and Michael's flat

Yeahhhh I didn't mention that either, god I need to get better at explaining things...

And why do I always get confused where I wake up when I stay over with the boys?

I yawn very loudly and I hear footsteps

I check my hair to see if it's not a mess, and wait to so see who's walking through the living room

It was Luke

"Morning sleepy head, hey no bed hair!" He smirks

"Morning and yeah guess I was lucky this time" I lied

Luke sits next to me on the couch

"How you doing?" He said concerned

"Erm... I'm okay i guess" I said

"Listen your always welcome to stay here with us, as long as you need" he said while smiling

"Thank you Luke" I smiled weakly because I just woke up

Just as Luke was going to say something else Michael runs in and jumps on top of me and Luke like a weirdo

"Heyyyyyyyy roomies" he shouts

"What a great way to start the day" I said sarcastically

"Isn't it?" Luke plays along

"Okay, okay you can both get off now" I say politely

"Well, okay!" Michael said happily

After all that's over me, Michael and Luke had breakfast then we all went to the park

And I just realised that i have 2 weeks of summer left noooooooo

So we all sat down on the bench enjoying the sunshine

I start a conversation

"So, when are you guys rehearsing again?" I wonder

"Our next rehearsal is next week" Luke said

"Aw cool, can I come along?" I ask

"Yeah sure, we need someone to hear us anyways" Michael adds

I smile and lay back and close my eyes

When I open my eyes and I see Luke and Michael on the swings

And I turn to see Ashton and Calum sitting next to me and staring at me like creeps

"Flip!!" I jumped

They gave me the biggest fright ever

"God, guys you scared me" I laughed and trying to catch my breath

"That was the point!" Ashton giggled

And I smiled, his giggle makes my heart melt


I hug then both and Calum says

"Luke told us your parents chucked you out" he smiled weakly

"Yeah, but I'm okay now" I smile

"Good!" Ashton adds

I look around to see some girl sitting on Luke's lap, he looks so uncomfortable then the girl showed her face and it was

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