31. It's Complicated

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So I guess me and Ashton are okay again

I mean there was nothing wrong

We didn't have an argument or anything

It's complicated okay?

I get out of bed and make myself some breakfast, nothing fancy just cereal

I feel two arms wrapped around my waist

It was Ashton

"Oh my god! I didn't know you were here!" I said

"I crashed over here, Michael and Luke said it was fine well... The drunk versions of them" he giggled

Man I've missed that giggle

"What do you want to do today?" I ask

"Well, Calum is bringing Jagoda over and I think Luke is bringing...erm" he pauses

"Chelsea?" I finish his sentence

"Uh..y-yeah" he hesitated

"You don't have to be all shaky and all that when Chelsea's name is brought up" I tell him

"I know but she bullied you, and she still does" Ashton said in a sad tone

"Well I have to get over it, how cares I mean she's Luke's girlfriend and I have to accept that because he's my best friend"

And you love him!

Brain... Shh

"But it bothers me, your my girlfriend and I don't want you to be upset"

"Aww! your awesome!" I say walking closer to him

"Not as awesome as you" I blush at the comment

"You're cute when you blush" he said and that's when it hit me

Who's said that before?


Ding ding ding!! we have a winner!

It's not the same when Ashton says it, it feels right when Luke says it

Oh my god this is so complicated

But Ashton is a great person, adorable and funny!

Just forget about all of this!

I blink back into reality

"Do you want to?" Ashton asked me

"W-what?" I say not paying any attention

"I said do you want to hang out with everyone today?"

"Oh yeah sure" I say

"Okay, well I'm going to go and have a shower and stuff, see you later"

He kissed me on the cheek and walks out the door

I finally finish my cereal and wash the dish

I hear groaning coming into the kitchen and it was Luke all hungover

"Owwww my head!" he wined

"Awww does Lukey have a hangover?" I say in a baby voice

"Yes" he plays along with the baby voice

We both laugh

I run the tap and get a glass

I fill up the cup with water and I gave it to Luke

"Thank you" he said quietly while rubbing his eyes

"No Problem"

"How come your not hungover??!" he asks

I feel fine

"Because I didn't go all the way like you did" I tease

"Haha very funny" he said in a sarcastic and moody tone

"Well I should probably get ready" I say while standing up

"Where you going?" he asked

"Everyone is coming over today to hang out"

"Everyone?" He said confused

"You, Me, Calum, Ashton, Michael, Jagoda and Chelsea"

"Oh" that's all he said

"Can I ask you a question?" I say


I sit back down on the couch

"Why Chelsea?, I mean out of everyone else" I say in a quiet and polite tone

"Erm...because I like her?" He said as a question

"Oh.............Okay" I get up before he could say anything else


Hiiiiiiii! So I hope you enjoyed that! And sorry it's short!

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Thanks for reading!!

Leah ☺️💞🎧🎤✌️xx

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