15. You're A Lonely Girl

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I actually feel happy, the boys have made me feel good for once, they make me laugh a lot and they care for me so much you don't even know it!

I got bored sitting in my room, so I went for a walk

Just me, it was really sunny so I thought it would be a good idea

As I was walking I heard giggling in the background, I ignored it because I thought it wouldn't be important

It gets louder and louder until I feel myself falling face down on the ground, I was pushed and I turned around to see who it was and yep, it was of course Jessica

"What the hell?!!" I shout

"Do you really think that you can get your little friends to help you out and stick up for you?, well guess what Christina! they can't I mean your stupid friend Michael I believe said some cheesy lovie dubie things about you, and I found it hilarious, your not amazing or confident you're a lonely girl who is a weirdo who has no friends, and I was only your friend for 12 years is because I felt sorry for you, all you do is cry and moan about EVERYTHING!!!!!! I swear to god you annoy the hell out of me!!!" Jessica said... Wow she really said it

I feel myself crying, but I try to hold it back, I don't want to be the weak one, but unfortunately weak is my middle name

"Aww! She's crying, like she always does!" Chelsea said

I run as fast as I can and I finally get away from them, I can't believe my best friend would say that to me, or should I say ex best friend

I finally get to my house when I see my parents, they don't even look up they just ignored me

"Shut the door Christina!" my lovely dad says (NOT!) I was wondering how he knew it was me, he didn't even look up

"Actually we need to go anyways" mum said

"Oh yeah!" Dad said cheerfully

then they both walk out, without saying "bye" or "love you" (like always)

They didn't even notice I was frigging crying!!!!

I go upstairs to my room and I find 4 boys sitting on my bed like they lived there

"Hey!... Wait Chris?" Ashton said

"Yeah?" I said normally

"Why are you crying?"

"No reason, anyways how did you guys get in? Did you see my parents?" I say forgetting Ashton's questions

"Tell us" Michael said ignoring my question

"There's no point!, it was just Jessica being Jessica, I got upset because I let her win, I'm weak she's strong and that's how it always was, and now that's what is always going to be!" I say angrily

Luke came up to me and gave me a hug, wow! He gives the best hugs!!!

"Don't listen to what she says" Luke said smiling at me

"I'm sorry, it just gets to me, and my parents didn't even notice I was crying" I say

"ARE THEY FRIGGING BLIND???????" Ashton shouted

"That's correct my friend" I tease

"There...weird" Calum said and I start laughing

"Is that all you can come up with?!" Michael said while laughing

"Yeah" he said quietly

"And Chris, you don't need to say sorry to us" Luke said

"Well I do, I'm sorry I cry A LOT in front of you's and sorry for having a lot of problems" I smile

"It's soooooo okay! That gives Ashton an excuse to cry" Michael teases

"HEY!!! I'm very sensitive but C'mon I'm not that bad?!" Ashton asks

"Are you kidding?!, you cried at the last episode of friends!" Calum said and everyone laughed

"Oh!!!! Who didn't??!!" Ashton shouts

"I cried actually haha" I say

"HELL YEAH!" Ashton cheered and gave me a high five

"You've already made me feel better!" I smile

"That's because we're your medicine!" Luke said

"That's weird" I giggle

"Oh my god! I haven't said this in a while but... GROUP HUG!!!!!" Calum shouts

We all have our family tradition group hug then figure out what to do

"I have an idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luke shouts

"What is it?" Ashton asked


"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS" me, Calum, Ashton and Michael all say at the same time!

So we get my laptop and go on YouTube and listen to our favourite songs, we even jammed out to there songs and there my favourites, we all dance terribly but that's the point of our dance parties really haha, we all sing along the songs so loudly it was absolutely hilarious, there was never a dull moment


I hope you guys like my book so far!

I hate Jessica in this haha, and when she said your stupid friend Michael it was hard to write! Haha because Michael is my life they all are in fact! Comment saying who's your favourite 5sos member! Mines Luke! But I love them all! And comment if you want Christina to be with one of the boys if you want her to or not! Make sure to vote, comment and share with your friends! Thanks for reading!

Leah :p xx

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