18. Don't You DARE Talk To Your Mother Like That!!

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After that hair dye incident, me and Luke nearly kissed

I mean I think we nearly did, our lips were only a tiny bit away from touching

But we forgotten about it later on that day, it just came to mind now

But he's one of my best friends and I don't have feelings for him, or do I? brain!!!!! No! Zip it!!!

I cleared the thought out of my head and just though Luke as a friend because that's all I see in him... A friend indeed

Did I just say indeed?? Wow my brain is getting out of control

I'm in the living room watching a movie, just my luck

It has McFly so... Obviously watching it haha

I hear my parents walk in and I don't turn around to see them, if they don't give me respect then why should I?

Because there your parents?


"Christina?" My mother said

I just ignore her

She walked over to me and gasped


"Oh... So you don't notice me when I'm crying my eyes out, but you notice some coloured chemical in my hair???!!!!" I shout because it's true

"Don't you DARE talk to your mother like that!!" she said angrily

"You haven't been such a mother to me for the past 16 frigging years!!!!"

We argued for about half an hour


Soooooo sorry this is short and I'm sooooooo sorry I didn't update yesterday! I got the new 5 Seconds Of Summer album and I listened to it all day! (Who wouldn't?) but what do you guys think? Do you think Christina likes Luke? And do you think Luke likes her? Oooohhhhh so many questions lol but please feel free to answer them in the comments it will

Make my day.

but anyways I hope you like my book!!! Thanks for reading!

Leah :D xx

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