29. English Love Affair?

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I keep having dreams about Luke, I need help!!!

I should be dreaming about Ashton!!

That sounds a bit creepy haha

Why am I laughing??! this is serious!!!!

I think I'm in love with Luke?

NO NO NO!!!!!

no I don't I'm just saying that

No I'm not


Okay, Christina calm down

It might be just a crush?


what the hell???



My head I spinning with excuses!

I wish I could take out my brain and pick of the love I have for Luke

No you don't 😏


"RIGHT STOP!!!!" I shout

Luke comes flying through my room


"Erm...nothing I just... I was talking to myself?" I wasn't half wrong there

"Oh, well are you okay?" he said

"Oh yeah, I'm just weird"

"That's one of your specialties" Luke said while smiling

Few moments was quiet, he was walking around and snooping through my stuff witch he does a lot!

He picked up a book

"English Love Affair?" he questions

"Oh, that's a good book!"

"What's it about?" he sat beside me on the bed

"Well, it's about a boy who was looking for his one true love and he didn't relies that his soul mate was his best friend... Apparently they were drinking all the way to third base" she chuckled

"Is that all you care about?" Luke smirks

"Oh god no!, I care for the love and connection they have on each other, I always scream at the book saying "HURRY UP AND GET TOGETHER!!!" Not joking" I explained

"Oh, well it seems kind of girly?"

"You think love is girly?" I said horrified

"No, you shouting at a book" he laughs and I playfully hit his arm

"You should read it, it's beautiful how there friendship/relationship is"

"I'll give it a go" he said acting all manly and careless

"You better" I tease and he smiles

That smile makes me have butterflies in my stomach

Because making him smile is like... I don't know but for some reason I feel happy and proud to make him smile

Don't ask why I just do haha

Both of our hands touched accidentally but it felt like on purpose in a good way


Hiiiiiiiiiiii sooooo I'm sorry it's a little cliffhanger thing not really but oh well lol

I'm giving a shoutout!!!!

They didn't ask for it I just feel like it + she deserve it!

This goes to @Hopelessly-Blue

Her books are absolutely brilliant!!!! I'm In love with them!!!!

She's awesome!

I always get REALLY excited when she updates I'm like


Not joking lol


there AMAZING OR AMAZBALLS! which ever one is better haha

Her books are called

1. My brothers best friends

The best book I've ever read!! + my favourite book!!👆👆👆👆👆👆👆

2. While you were sleeping

There both 5SOS fan fictions and that's EVEN BETTER!!!!!!

Plz follow her too! And plzz read her new book while you were sleeping! it's really good!! so check all that out!!!

Okay! I'm going to say this now, because while in writing this, it's not midnight or the 16th so I'll say this now, cuz I wanted to write this new chapter now so yeah!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE!!!!!! OMG 18!!!!!!! aghhhh I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY! apparently Michael will give you a hug as a present I think lol he said it on twitter! they won't read this but oh well! Haha as microwave would say YOLO!!!!!

Haha #dontstop ✌️ just saying 👏☺️

And I had to put English Love Affair lyrics in there! And make it into a book lol!

By the way they didn't write English Love Affair in this, well not yet! 😏😏😏 haha!!

Okay I'm sorry this is long but I wanted to that shoutout and saying happy bday to Luke! so yeahhhhhhh!

Make sure to vote, comment and share with friends!

MAKE SURE TO CHECK OUT @Hopelessly-Blue ☺️

OH AND! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Who remembers those 5sos live streams? I do!!!

Michael dressed as a pic 😂

Luke with a tutu on 😍

Calum from YouTube 😂

Ashton with a pink swimming cap (well it looked like one anyway) 😜

And when they all dressed up as ninja turtles 😂🐢🐢🐢🐢

And a bunny or a rabbit and a gorilla I had no idea who it was I still don't! Do any of you's know? Comment lol 🐰 (there's no gorilla emoji :/)

But still


There just amazing! 💋

ANYWAY! I'm rambling WAY TOO MUCH! I'm sorry but the chapter was so short so here's a long authors note my longest one I think lol

Thanks for reading!

Leah! 😂😍💋🐢❤️👏👌😉😘💖 xx

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