21. Jealous!

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I finally get to the door of the flat, I'm still angry but not at Luke at Chelsea she's so... OH MY GOD I HATE HER!!!!!

I waited another 5 minutes when I hear multiple footsteps behind me and finally the boys came

"Are you alright Chris?" Ashton asked

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I say gritting through my teeth

"Erm... No reason"

"Because you were raging earlier on" Michael rubs it in

"Oh no! I'm fine now" I say too sarcastically oops

Michael unlocks the door and I quickly barge in

I hear whispering behind me

"Jealous!" Michael whispers very loudly but I ignore it

I sit on the couch and let out a loud sigh and put my hands over my face not crying but exhausted

I feel someone sitting next to me and I see who it is

It was Luke

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I say quietly"

"Listen about the park incident-" I cut him off

"Look, if you want to go out with Chelsea please don't let me stop you" I say

"Oh god no no no no no, I was so uncomfortable and it was awkward! I would never go out with her because-" he stops for a minute

"I wouldn't do that to you" he smiles weakly

I've got butterflies in my stomach right now and I don't know why?

"Oh... Well I'm... So glad!" I say in relief

He starts laughing

"And I didn't mean to be so angry, it's just because your my best friend and it's Chelsea I mean I hate her just saying haha" I said

"I would do the same thing" Luke admitted

"Really?" I said in shock

"Yes! I care for you so much! you have no idea..." He pauses

"You do?" I smile and blush at the same time witch is NOT a good combination

"Of course I do!!" He smiles

I jump on him and give him a hug, he got the sock of his life and I thought that was cute! Oops

We are both lying down on the couch because I gave him the awkward lying down hug I don't know why?????

We both stare at each other eyes oh my god his eyes are like... Amazing and I'm not afraid of thinking that!

He starts giggling

"What?" I say

"Nothing it's just, your a wee cutie" he smiles

I blush up like a tomato and it's not a great look you know! When you have a VERY attracted boy lying next to you!

"Why?" I ask

"Well first of all when you blush" he smirks

Oh noooooo saw me blushing! dammit!

"Oh god!" I say loudly

He laughs again

"And... Just everything" he said

Did he say I was a wee cutie? Oh my god

I have millions of butterflies in my stomach now

"Well... Not as cute as you!" oops didn't mean to say that out loud! My mouth is now out of control!!

"Why thank you!" he smiles and I giggle

"And your giggle" he finished

"Aw!" I say and he blushed

He takes his fingers and pushes away the hair that's in my face

Are faces get closer and closer and...


Heyyyyyyyy so this a cliffhanger hahahahha hahahah sorry guys I had to! Sorry my chapters are quick! Bit there will be more chapters so I hope that's more worth it lol I don't know but please vote comment and share with friends!

Thanks for reading!

Leah ☺️

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