10. We're Speacial!!!!!

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My phone starts ringing, it's Ashton so I answer it

"Hellooooo?" I say in a high pitched voice

I don't know why haha

"Heyyyyyy! Where are you??" Ashton said curiously

"I'm at Chris's house with Cal"

"Who's that?" Christina says and I take my phone away from my ear

"It's Ash" I smile

"HEY ASHTON!!!!!!!!" She screams at the top of her lungs and hurting my ears but oh well I found it funny

"Oops... Sorry guys" she said quietly

"It's okay! I say

"Yeah, Michael shouts WAY!!!!!!!! Louder so were used to it" Calum says

"Sometimes" I giggle

I put Ashton on loud speaker

"HI CHRISTINA!!!!" He shouts

"Good thing I'm on loud speaker or my ears would of been bleeding by now" I say while laughing because I can't get over how funny Ashton shouted

"I'm on loud speaker??" He said

"Yessss!" Calum and Christina said at the same time!

Oh... Well... HEYYYYYY!" He says in a girl voice and We all laugh

"Chris??" He said

"Yes Ash?"

"Can I come over???" He asks in a sad kiddy voice

"You don't even need to ask, these two just barged in here anyway haha" she smiles

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He cheers over the phone!

He continues "I'll be over in 5 minutes and I'll bring Michael too!!"

"Great!" She cheers

"Bye family" he said

"Byeeeee" we all say

Then he hung up the phone

"What a gentleman, at least he ask to come over" Christina teases

"We don't need to ask" I say

"We're special!!!!!" Calum whispers very loudly to Chris

"Oh I know that!" She says and we all laugh

So we just waited for Michael and Ashton to come over

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