6. Excellent

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It's been a week since I've been off school for summer and it's boring! I haven't seen the boys since the first day of summer... I hope they're okay!

I hear a vibration from my phone, it's a text from an unknown number?

"Heyyyyyyyy it's ash! Sorry I've not spoke to you to for a while! Me and the boys were doing our own thing so I don't know if you been with any of them? Listen I'm going to pick you up! I got something to show you and it's a surprise so no asking or pleading me haha, see you in 5 minutes!! :)"

Awww well that explains it!

"Hey ash! Aw that's okay and no I've not seen any of you's, and a surprise?! Oooohhh I can't wait!"

I quickly I get changed,

I wear my oversized jumper and skinny jeans, put on my black converse, for hair I curl it... Because I haven't had it curly in ages!!

After I'm done with my hair I hear a knock on the door

I open the door to see Ashton all cheery as always

"I like your hair curly!" He shouts

"Thanks!" I shout back

I lock up the house and follow Ashton to his car

"You ready?" He said


"No I'm not telling you where we're going"

He suddenly says

"Why????????" I wine

"Because it won't be a surprise now would it?"

"No" I said quietly

"Buckle up!" He said cheerfully

God, I hope this is worth it!

We finally get there and it's a black blinding?...

"You'll need to-"

"Close my eyes?"

I say out smarting him

"How did you know I was going to say that??!" He said in a squeaky voice

"I've watched a lot of movies"

"Excellent" he says

I close my eyes and Ashton leads me into the black building, it's really weird been leaded by someone and you can't see what's happening!

"You can open your eyes now!"

I open my eyes and I gasp

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