8. Isn't It Beautiful?

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I call up Luke saying I'm on my way to his, we are all meeting there, we're going to the shops to chum Michael to get his blonde hair dye!

I knock on the door and Luke opens it

"Hey!!" Luke's say cheerfully

"Hi hi!" I walk inside and I can't move because I have a Michael hugging me to dealth!

"Hey! What was that for?"

"For being cool haha!" He says

"Is he drunk?" I tease and ask Luke

"No he's always like this when he dyes his hair I guess?" Luke giggles

"It's exciting!"

"Whatever MICHELLE" Calum teases

"HEY!... It's queen Michelle thank you very much! He said and we all burst out laughing

We all make way out the door and go to the nearest shop because we are all very lazy people and we don't like to walk far haha

We make it to the shops and Michael and Calum run in the hair dye section

"Calum getting his hair done too!?" I say in shock

"No he just does that to make Michael happy" Luke smiles

"Awww, what a sweet boy haha!" I say

"That's our Calum" Ashton giggles and I smile and we continue walking

We finally caught up with Michael and Calum and they have a big smile on there faces, like there in a toy shop!

"Isn't it beautiful?" Michael says

"It's blonde hair dye Michael..." Luke says sarcastically

"Shhhh, it will hear you!" He teases

"Are you sure he's not drunk?" I giggle

"God let's hope not" Calum says while laughing

"Okay I'll calm down... Right after I pay for it!" Then Michael skips along to the cue

"They grow up so fast!" Ashton fake cries

"Don't they?" I play along

Michael paid for his dye and we are on our way back to Luke's flat

5 minutes later Michael is already got a towel around his neck ready to dye his hair, right now his hair is a reddy/black colour.

Later on, me, Calum, Ashton and Luke are all watching TV until we hear Michael scream

"OH MY GOD!!!!!"

We all look at each other and run to the bathroom

"Michael is everything al-...OH MY GOD!" I shout

Michaels hair was not blonde, it was bright green!!

"How the hell did that happen?" Ashton asked shocked

"I don't know! I left it on for nearly and hour and-"

"Michael!! You only leave it on for 30 minutes not for nearly 60!!!!" I say

"Oh..." He said quietly

"You idiot haha!" Luke said

"I quite like it actually, it looks cool!" Calum smiles

"You think?"

"It's not that bad?" I say

"Hmm...I LIKE IT!!!" He shouts

"Well if you like it then we like it, right guys?" Luke says

"Of course"



We all say

"It's punky!" I say

"HELL YEAH!!" He cheers and we all laugh

I guess his hair looks pretty cool!

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