4. Why Are They So Adorable?

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I woke and was trying to realise where I was.

Oh yeah, I'm with the boys, oh god that sounds weird.

I sat up to see Ashton and Luke giggling away to each other, why are they so adorable?

"Well good morning to you too" Ashton says cheery.

"Morning" I mumble remembering I just woke up and I won't look my best.

Oh no, bed hair.

Luke started laughing again.

"What?" I say quite harshly.

"your hair is bigger than mine." He pointed to the hideous jungle that is on my head.

"Oh haha very funny!" I say sarcastically, as you can tell I'm not a morning person.

"How come I never went home?" I don't know why I'm asking I'd rather be here then home alone to be honest.

"Well we were all chatting last night then we decided to watch death at a funeral and you feel asleep" Michael said giving me a fright because I thought he was asleep.

"How can you fall asleep watching death at a funeral? It's so funny." Ashton says.

"Well I had a rough time yesterday, before I met you guys of course" I said.

"What happened?" Calum said very worriedly.

"Guys maybe it's personal" Luke said.

"No no it's okay, I didn't tell you yesterday Luke because I was probably going to get even more upset than I was already." I say quietly.

All the boys looked up at me then gathered around me in the circle so I was in the middle.

"We have time to hear it" Luke says touching my shoulder.

I tell them all about my family and how Jessica is being rude to me. Then I started weeping my eyes out and I couldn't talk anymore, then I felt an arm go around me and it was Calum.

Christina, I can't believe you been through so much" Callum says quietly.

"Well...y-yeah" I keep weeping.

"Sorry if this is a bad time but... EVERYONE GET IN A GROUP HUG NOW!" Ashton shouts happily. I giggle and we all have a massive group hug.

"wow, you all cheer me up and I don't feel alone because you all are there for me and I feel so happy that you can do that for me. Like I know we just met yesterday but it's such a nice feeling to know someone is there for you. You know?" Wow cheesy much Christina.

I hear Ashton sniff.

"Dude are you crying?!" Luke says.

"W-what no... there was a bug in my eye?"

"Nice try buddy, we always knew you had a soft side" Calum says.

"No I don't!" He defended himself.

"Well it doesn't matter, you still cheered me up. Thanks guys."

"Aww" they all say at the same time.

"Okay we're having another group hug" Calum says again.

"okay." me and Luke both say.

After all the emotional group hugs we decided to go back to my place, because I needed to change and the boys wanted to see my house and plus my parents won't care because they won't be home. Then we all headed out the door to my house.

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