22. Whatever

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Oh my god is this it? Is this the day I kiss Luke?!

Our faces were getting closer and closer and the boys all barged in

"Hey guys... Oh are we interrupting something?!" Calum stating the obvious

Me and Luke both stare at each other

"No" we both say at the same time

"So uh, why are you guys both lying on the couch cuddling?" Ashton asked

"Erm..." I had no words

"I needed a hug" Luke lied

"Luke, you always need a hug" Calum said and we all laugh

I quickly get up

"I'll be right back" I said and scurried off


god! I was about to kiss Chris, but I didn't

Christina left the room and I stood up

"Well..." I said making it awkward

"You's were going to kiss" Michael sings

"W-w-what no we weren't" wow I hesitate a lot oh no

"Your lying" Calum said

"Whatever" I say and walked away


Soooooooo guys! What did you think? hmmmm? lol

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It's officially Ashton's birthday!!! Ahhhhhhhh 20!! He won't read this but Happy Birthday Ashton!!! I love you haha!! Next chapter will be celebrating his birthday

Thanks for reading!!

Leah 😄

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