32. It's Nothing Luke

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I finished getting ready when I heard voices outside of my room

Great... Chelsea is here

I open the door to see only Chelsea and Luke sitting on the couch

I try and quickly walk back into my room but Luke saw me and smiled

"Hey Chris" he said


"Is that Christina I hear?" Chelsea asked not even bothering to look around

And no I'm not Christina I'm a different girl but Luke just called me Chris so no


She finally turned around

"Aww, you look... less trampy today" she giggled

"Erm thanks" I say

"Alright Chelsea, don't need to be rude" Luke said

"I'm sorry honey" she said with puppy dog eyes

He just smiled

It looked weird though


I can't believe I'm doing this, she's horrible

She gave me puppy dog eyes and I have the fakest smile ever


I quickly look away before they would start eating each other's faces

I have no idea what to do!

Should I go to the kitchen?

Should I just go back into my room?

Or should I just sit on the couch like a normal person

I choose kitchen

I quickly walk past them and go into the kitchen

This is my hiding space until someone will come through the door so I'm not the third wheel

Maybe Chelsea should leave then... Why did I just say that? crap

I check my phone to see the time

It was 1:30 already

I wait another 5 minutes and I hear a knock on the door

I jump up and run to get it

But before I knew it Chelsea got there to the door shoving me out of the way

Making me fall on the floor

"Oops I'm so sorry, I'll get the door" she smirked and had a sarcastic tone in her voice

Luke why??????? why her?!

She opens the door to find Michael with bags

"Michael hey!" she says in the most annoying high pitched voice EVER

"Erm... Hey Chelsea"

"Oops I'm sorry I'm hogging the door here come in"

"Well it is my flat" he mumbled

Just then when I was getting up Chelsea opened the door hitting me with it on purpose

"Oh wait sorry it won't open all the way, let me try and fix it" she smiled at Michael

She then went back and forth hitting me with the door

"That's it" she said mischievously

Michael walked in not realising me behind the door

Chelsea looked at me and said

"That's better, your more trampier" she laughs and walks away

I try and get up and I feel a bit light headed

I hear Luke saying my name

"Chris? where are you?" he asked worriedly

I didn't respond I try to get to my room before he sees me

He finally saw me and wales closer to me

"Are you okay? you don't look very well" he said

"It's nothing just Chelsea being Chelsea" I walk past him but he grabs my wrist and stopped me

"She done something to you?!" he asked

"It's nothing Luke, I'm not in pain"

"But your face is all red"

"Luke, I think she's done way worse to me years ago"

"I'm so sorry" he said with his bright blue eyes staring right at me

"It's fine Luke" it's not fine actually it's getting frustrating but sometimes I get used to it but still

I gave a weak smile and walk away


Hey! so think I'm going to have maybe 2 chapters left until I finished this fanfic!

Soooooo? I hope it's been a good fanfiction

OMG 228 reads! wow

I love you guys lol 👍

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Leah ✌️😃xx

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