26. He's Mine

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"Hey, can we got To the park now?" Michael wines

"Okay, Luke will probably be there already" Ashton said

"Let's go!" I said cheery and we all walk to the park

Me and Ashton are holding hands and it feels right

We get there and I don't believe what I see...

"Hey is that Luke and... Chelsea??!" Ashton said shocked

Luke and Chelsea we're sitting chatting by the swings and it made me actually sick my stomach felt like it was tied into a knot

"Well" I said

"I thought he didn't like her?" Calum asked

Then Chelsea kissed Luke and he didn't stop her!!!

"Well, looks like he does" Michael said trying to bring humour to this conversation but obviously didn't find this funny at all!

I was literally speechless, I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything but shed a tear down my face

I quickly wipe my face and look away

"You okay Chris?" Ashton said very concerned

"Y-yeah, I'm fine"
I hesitate

"Why Chelsea? I mean I wouldn't mind anyone else" I said

"I have no clue." Calum said

There still kissing and it's so awkward...

"It's been like a minute do you think any of them can breathe?" Michael teases and I laugh at that hey probably out of breath...oh god Christina your weird

They separated and Chelsea stairs at me for ages then mouths

"He's mine" I understood her completely

God I hate her!

"What did she say?" Calum said desperately

"He's mine" then I walked away

I hear Ashton shout my name but I keep walking I don't want talk or see anyone right now especially Luke

Oh god Luke

Why did he do this?

What did I do to him?

But I have Ashton I shouldn't be acting like this

But I am


*when they all came I the park*

I see them all and quickly look to Chelsea

"There they are" I said excitedly

"Great the sluts here" Chelsea said and my eyes widen

"What did you jut say?"
I wanted to hear her saying it again

"Sorry I didn't mean to say slut I meant to say
whore" she smirked over me

"Don't ever say that about her again!" I whisper to her

"Whatever" she mumbles

"Quick kiss me" she said and smashed her lips into mine

It was horrible I felt sick


I quickly glance a look at Christina and I see a tear breaming down her face

I didn't mean to make her cry, I just want her to be jealous so I can be with her and forget about Ashton

We break the kiss

"That was horrific" I said and she smiles

"You enjoyed it really" she smiles

"Sure" I mumble sarcastically

I look over and Christina is gone oh dammit

I told Chelsea I'll text her to tell her to meet me another day and I went over to the boys

"Hey guys" I say casually

"Hey lover boy" Michael smirks at me

"Oh, you saw that?" I state the obvious

"Are you kidding? we were in the front row of the show!" Ashton giggled

"So erm, where's Chris?" I asked quickly changing the subject

"I don't know, she kind of stormed of and didn't even tell us why or where she was going" Calum said

"Oh" I say worriedly

Heyyyyy so I hope you enjoyed that chapter!

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Thanks for reading!!

Leah ☺️ xx

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