33. LOOK OUT!!!!!!

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This is going WAY too far now!

I'm fuming!

Did I really just say fuming?

Hell right I did!!!

Chelsea has gone way too far now

Christina walks away and goes into her room

I walk to the living to find Chelsea on the couch

"Get up, we're leaving" I say angrily

"Why?, everyone is not here yet" she wined

"I don't care"

She sighs and gets up and I follow her out the door to her car

"What's your problem?" she says while buckling up

"What the hell did you do to Christina?!" I shout

"Simmer down" she said

"No!" I scream

"I gave her what she deserved"

"And what is that exactly?" I cross my arms facing her while she's watching the road

"I hit her with a door, what's the big
deal?" She questions

"If it wasn't a big deal you shouldn't have done it"

"I wanted to do it so what?"

"So what?!!" I repeated her sentence

I continue

"You've been bullying her all her high school years! haven't you have enough already?"

"No! it's fun okay! it's hilarious seeing her suffer, she's so easy to tease"

"Your not teasing, your abusing her!" I shout

"I don't care, just shut up okay! no one likes her and I don't know why you do" she looks at me

"Everyone likes her! and I like her because she's amazing, sweet-" I get get cut off

"Blah blah blah your said it millions of times and I don't actually frigging care!!!!!!!! she screams

She's still rambling on and I stare on the road then I see and big dead end

"LOOK OUT!!!!!!" I shout

She looks and tries to turn around but she's too late were both flying in mid air and slowly fall in the water of the dead end

I blackout...


Oooohhhhhhhh mmyyyyyyyy godddddddddd!!!!


I'm sorry but I had to put a She Looks So Perfect lyric in there

Chelsea had to day it though 😒

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