35. I Love You

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"We need to get to the hospital now!" I commanded

"Okay" then Michael got his cars keys and we were out the door before you can say... I don't know but we were fast okay!


I quickly get out of the car and run to the hospital

"Wait up!" Michael said already out of breath

When I walk in my heart is pounding

I'm always nervous when I visit hospitals

I see some random doctor and quickly walk up to him

"Excuse me doctor" I say trying to get his attention

"Yes, how can I help you" he smiled

"We're here to see Luke Hemmings" Michael said completely forgetting Chelsea's name

"Are you family?" he asked

"We're his friends" Michael smiled weakly

"Okay, well-" I cut the doctor off

"Is he dead doctor?!!!" I shout over him

"Calm down Miss"

"Is he or is he not, I need to know!"

"We heard one of them died, witch one?" Michael said ignoring my screaming

"Yes, well both of them are quite damage but as I can tell Chelsea was the one driving so I'm so sorry to say but Chelsea did not make it." the doctor finished

I was in so much shock...

"But Luke is alive?" I say calmer

"Yes, he's perfectly alive, But I'm sorry about your other friend" he said

"That's okay" I smile

I don't know what emotion I have

I feel free

I shouldn't be relieved but I am

"Can we see him doctor?" Michael asked

"Yes, follow me"

We are walking to Luke's room and I'm so happy he's not dead

We get there and I see Luke lying there all bruised and bloody

Yet he still looks perfect

Brain! this is not the time!

He wakes up and my heart is pounding faster than it should be

The doctor left so it was only me, Michael and Luke

"Hey buddy, how you do you feel?" Michael asked"

"Like I've been in a car crash" Luke smirked

"That was probably a stupid question" he chuckles

Luke stairs at me

"Hi" he whispers

"Hey" I whisper back

"I'll leave you to alone" Michael walks out

It's like he read my mind or something

I walk closer to Luke and a tear fell down my cheek

Luke wiped it away with his thumb

I held his hand

"Don't cry" he said in a raspy voice

It made my heart melt

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