19. NO NO NO!!

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Oh god dammit why do I have to be all flirty and nearly kiss my best friend?

I mean I wouldn't mind going out with her but... My mind goes blank

NO NO NO!! It can't happen it won't happen, she's amazing, sweet and beautiful but I don't feel that way? Oh just shut up Luke!!!

My thoughts get shut off by Michael who was sitting on the floor playing FIFA

"You should invite Ash, Cal and Chris over" Michael said with his eyes glued to the TV

"W-what?" I hesitate

"Invite the gang" he said in a obvious tone

"Oh yeah, sure" I say and I call everybody

I call Calum first

"Hello Lukey!" Calum said

"Hey! Don't call that"

"Whatever Lukey" he giggled

"Do you want to come over?" I ask

"Can't sorry with the family" he said in a sad tone

"Aw that's fine, and do you know if Ashton's free?" I asked

"He's hanging out with his siblings today!" He said

"Aw cool, well I'll speak to you later then"

"Yeah, byeeeeeeeee Lukey" he said while laughing then he hung up

"So what's happening?!" Michael said finishing his game"

"Cal is with family and Ash is with siblings" I say so simple

"Aw...cool" he said

A few moments later I hear a knock at the door

"I'll get it" I smile

"I was hoping you would" he said and we both laugh

I open the door to Chris with suitcases in her hands

"Hey! What's up?" I say concerned

"I...my parents kicked me out" she said in a sad tone

"WHAT??" I say shocked

"Who is it?" Michael shouted

"It's Chris" I reply

Michael walks up to the door

"Chrissie" Michael cheered

"Hi" she said so quietly

"What's up?" he asked

"Her parents chucked her out" I said

"Oh my god!" He was speechless

"I was wondering if I can stay here?" She asked

"I totally understand if I can't" she nearly walks away

I grab her arm and Michael said

"Chris, wait of course you can stay with us!"

"Are you sure?" She asked

"Of course!"
Michael cheered

"Definitely!" I say

"Aw thank you" she smiled weakly

She came in and I hugged her while Michael put her suitcases inside

"It's going to be okay" I whisper

"I know now" she smiles
And I smile

Her eyes are so... Luke stop

We get cut off but Michael

"Soooooo, who's up for movie night?"

We separated the hug

"S-sure" she hesitated

"Y-yeah let's do t-that" I can't get any words out what's wrong with me???


We watched lots of movies,some I've never heard of before

I fell asleep halfway through because I was tired from being stressed, I lost my family (well that happened a long time ago) but I lost a home
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy here's to make up for yesterday's no chapter thing, I've decided to do my chapters daily but I've had writers block yesterday plus I got the 5sos cd too so I was listening to that literally 3 times that day but it's sooooooooo amazing!!!!

Do you think Chris and Luke should get together? I'm not sure haha please comment if you want me to or get
Chris with Cal, Ash, or Michael


Thanks for reading

Leah :) xx

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