13. So What's Happening?????

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"It's been an hour where are they?" I say

"Maybe they got food?" Luke said

"I hope they do!!! I'm starving!" Calum shouts

"I have food!" I say loudly

"I want real food" he said and Luke giggled

Wow I've never said this, Ashton's giggle is utterly cute obviously but hearing Luke giggle... Wow it's adorable!!

Calum's phone starts ringing

"It's ash"

"Finally!" I say, he's been taking forever

Calum answers the phone

"Helloooooooooo ash" Calum said in a high pitched voice


"What's up? your not cheery? what happened Ashton??" Calum kept asking questions but if Ashton's not cheery then there's something really wrong!

"It's Michael... he's at the hospital"

"HE'S WHAT???!!!!!" Calum shouts

"What is it?" Luke asks

Calum takes his phone away from his ear

"Michael is at the...hospital" he said worriedly

"Oh my god!" Luke said

"WHAT!!!!!!!!" I scream

Calum continues talking to Ashton

"Yeah he got into a fight" Ashton explains

"A fight???!!!" Calum repeats

Me and Luke both look at each other

"Yeah, he done it for Christina-" he gets cut off by Calum

"For Christina??!!!" And my eyes shoot up to Calum's face

"Hey, I don't need a parrot" Ashton giggles

Calum laughs and continues to ask too many questions again

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah he's fine, he said his whole body is sore but nothing damaged" Ashton says

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital with Michael now"

This phone call goes on for a good half an hour and finally Calum hangs up the phone

"So what's happening?????" Luke says so quickly

"Well, Michael got into a fight-"

"We know that!!!" I cut him off

"I'm getting there, calm down" he laughs

"Sorry... continue" I said while smiling

"He got into a fight, because Jessica and her friends where saying very hurtful things about Christina...and he said some things and got into a fight with some boys who were with them, he got attacked and that's what happened I guess" he explained

I don't say anything, the fact that Jessica would do that to me, or let them even say hurtful things about me

"What hurtful things did they say exactly?" I ask very concerned

"Do you really want to know? It's really mean and hurtful" Calum said in a serous tone

"Yes I want to..."

I can't believe I'm going to hear this

"Well they said... No one likes you and your parents don't like you and you should die-..." Calum stops talking because you can tell he's not taking this well

I feel a tear falling down on my face

"I see" I say, trying to hold back the tears but I couldn't

"Sorry I need to go to the bathroom" then I quickly got up and ran

I couldn't bare it, saying no likes me or my parents is a first but telling me to go die? That is the most hurtful thing that anyone said to me before

I full on cried for 5 minutes then I heard a knock on the door and it was Luke

"Are you okay Chris?" Luke asks quietly

"Not really, I mean telling me to go die is just..." Then I started full on crying and I felt Luke hugging me tight

"It's okay, your amazing! don't listen to them, there not important to you, you have 4 fantastic best friends who care for you very much! Don't you forget
that Christina Ryan" he said, and that made me smile

"I won't Luke Hemmings" I giggle and he chuckles

We finishes the hug and are faces were so close I was staring into his beautiful blue eyes wow why are they so blue?

"Your eyes are pretty cool!" I say, why did I say that's? "Pretty cool"????? Chris your so strange

"So are yours" he smirks

My eyes are just a greyish bluely greeny colour you can't describe my eyes it's annoying haha

We stare for 1 more seconds when we hear the front door knock it was probably Ashton we both smile at each other and shout

"MICHAEL!!!!" in a cheery way, we both laugh and walk to the hall

Ashton comes in first and then I see Michael with a bandage on his forehead
Ohhhh no!!!


I run up to Michael and gave him the biggest and tightest hug I've ever given

"Ouch" he mumbled

"Ohhhhhh I'm sooooo sorry!!!!" I panicked

"It's okay, you've made me a bit better" he smiled at me

"I can't believe, they did that to you, this is all my fault!!" I shout

"How is this your fault????" Calum said and gave me a fright

"Yeah Chris tell me how is this your fault??" Michael says in a sarcastic way but in a serious way too

"I shouldn't be such a lonely person, I shouldn't have became friends with Jessica and I should of never try to be friends with the slags because now you've gotten hurt because of me" I say

"Chris! I don't care if I'm hurt! I care about you more, I care about all my friends and if I get hurt for them I don't care if I save my friend or stick up for them that's my recovery" he said


"No buts, there's just jealous because they're not as amazing as you are"

"Or as confident as you are!" Ashton says

"Or as funny as you are! Luke says

"Or as gorgeous you are!" Calum says

"How can I forget that!!!!" Ashton shouted

"Same!!!!" Luke said

"I know!!, see we care about you sooooooo much, and it's better hanging out with boys anyway" Michael laughs

"That's true! With Jessica it got a bit annoying haha not going to lie" then me and all the boys start laughing like we always do

"Guys, your the best!!!!"

"We know!" They all said and we laughed again

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