5. Nice Place

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I unlocked the door and we all went in, I hear Ashton and Calum say.


And Luke whistling.

My house Is not a mansion it's a normal home... I think?

"Nice place!" Michael says.

"It's not that great-" I get cut off by Ashton.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! ITS LIKE THE SIZE OF THE WHITE HOUSE!" Ashton says stupidly but I love that about him.

"Ash, you've never been inside the White House before!" Michael says and we all started laughing.

"But the outside of it is huge!"

"Why thank you!" I say in a posh voice an Ashton giggles.

Okay so I didn't mention my parents were rich? Well not rich they do work a lot and yeah but this house seems the same it always has and It always will but I've been here for 16 years it can get boring alone you know?

"Your parents must be loaded!" Luke shouts.

"Well they always work"

I would kill for a house like this!" Calum says excitedly.

"It gets boring when it's just me" I say and everyone went silent.

"Oohhhh flat screen!!!" Luke's squeals.

Everyone jumped on the couch and to the TV fighting over who gets to pick what to watch.

"Let me pick I'm the youngest" Luke says then pouts his bottom lip to everyone.

"I'm the most mature..."Calum said Then everyone including Calum burst out laughing.


They all looked up at me.

"Are we really going back to primary school?" I tease them.

"BUT-" they all say but I cut them off.

"I'm going to get change and if you haven't agreed on a movie your all in trouble" I say in a motherly voice in a jokey way of course. When I started walking away I hear them all go.


And I laughed to myself, there just the best!

2 minute later I hear them all whispering and and shooing each other.

"Shhh here she comes!!" I hear one of them say but I couldn't really figure it out who it was.

"Mummy's here!!!" Luke says in a high kiddy voice.

"Have you found a movie yet?" God let's hope so.

"Yesssss" Ashton says.

"What one?"

"Luke chose it" Calum said in a sad way.

"We are watching MEAN GIRLS!!!!!" Luke says excitedly.

"I love that movie!!!" I shout out.

"Really?" Michael says in a disappointed tone.

"It's my favourite!!!" Luke says.

"Haha mine too!"

"Let's watch it then!" Ashton says with a smile on his face.

Half way through the movie I got a phone call from... Jessica? Oh so now she has time for me, god!

"Aren't you going to answer it?" Calum asks.

"It's Jessica, I'm not sure..."

"I'll answer it!" Michael says and he grabs my phone.

"No Michael!"

"Hello?" Michael said.

"Erm hi, who's this??" Jessica says confusedly.

"I'm a friend of Chris"

"Oh... Well is she there?"

"Nope, she's hanging out with me and my friends having the best time, Goodbye!" Then he hung up the phone.

I can't believe he done that... Brava!!

"Nice one mate!" Luke says.

"Well someone would of done it" Michael says proudly.

My jaw is still open, I'm in so much shock!

"Erm... Wow Michael I-"

"You're welcome" he chuckles and hands me back my phone.

"BURN" Calum shouts.

Then I gave Michael a high five.

"I'm so proud of my boys today" I fake cry and doing that motherly voice again.

"We're proud of our mother!" Ashton teases.

"Why?" I ask curiously.

"Because you've been through so much and you've stayed strong, you never gave up!"

"I agree" Luke said smiling at me.

"Me too!" Calum said.

"ME THREE!!!!!!" Michael shouted.

"Awwwww guys! I'm touched!" I giggle.

Then we had a group hug again! I guess it's a daily routine thing? I love it though.

We continued watching mean girls and when that finished we watched Friends,nit's the best show of all time!!

"FRIENDS IS THE BEST!!!!!" Michael screamed.

"Yes it is!!!!!!" I shout.

Then we all laughed, these boys are hilarious.

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