16. I Get To Choose?!!

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"I NEED MORE DYE!!!!!!" I shout

"Michael, you only dyed your hair 3 weeks ago!" Luke stated

Wow it's been 3 weeks?

"Your point is?" I say

"Why do you need to dye your hair again?" Christina asked

"Because when it fades I have to bring back the colour!" I said

"Well-" I cut her off

"When it fades, I fade" I said dramatically

"Okay Mr Shakespeare, let's go then!, I can help you with the dye if you want?" Christina suggested

"Yes pleaseeeeeeee" I say in a kiddy voice

"Good! Because I'm not doing it again! Ashton teases

"I wasn't going to ask you this time though!" I say

"Who then?" Ashton asked

"Calum" I mumble

"Really?!" He moaned

"Well your not doing it now, Chris is because she's nice" I say and stick my tongue out at Calum and he does it back

"Okay! Behave boys! Right let's go then Michael" Christina said

"Okay mum!" I tease

"Hey!!!! What about us?!" Luke said

"Do you want to come?" I ask

They all look at each other

"That's what I thought" I smile

"Figure something out" Christina said

Then me and Chris were off the shop to get my hair dye! I love the green so I got a very neon green hair dye

"Ooohhh" I say

"Oh please" Christina teases

"Want a box?" I ask excitedly

"Oh no no no no no, it's fine! Honest" she hesitates

"Oh C'mon, what's the worst that can happen?" I wonder

"My hair could fall out?, the colour goes wrong or I damage my hair" she listed

"That's the point of hair dye, it will damage your hair but it's a lot of fun!

"How?" She said confusonly

"It's fun seeing yourself different with a new style or a new hair cut or when you get something new you always wanted and your excited, well that's me with hair dye" I said

"Oh?" She said shocked

"So are you in?, you can just do the tips, or if your really sure you can do your whole head!!!!!!!!" I said excitedly

"Tips please" she panicked

"Fine" I say disappointedly but glad that she agreed

"What colour?" She asked

"I get to choose?!!" I said shocked

"Sure?" she said more as a question


"Yes, but quietly please" she giggled

"Okay! I shout then realise what she asked me

"Okay" I repeat quietly

I get Christina's dye, I don't tell her what colour, I want it to be a surprise

"Why won't you tell me???!!!!!!!" She moaned

"Because, it's a surprise like I said

"It better not be green!" She warned me

"It's not, because I know you don't like it" I say

"It's not that I don't like green, it's just my least favourite" she explains

"Well it's not green, I'm going to buy them now!" Then I skip along to the cue, like I always do

We get home and I quickly put on a towel around my neck and get right on it

"What's the rush?" She said

"Michael gets too excited when he buys dye, he always does it when he gets into the door, no rest or anything!" Luke explains to Chris

"Hey! It's natural" I shout

"No it's not!" Calum teases

"Whatever" I say

"Chris, help!" I shout

"Coming" she sighed


Short, sorry!!!! But the next chapter will be here maybe tonight or tomorrow?? So what colour do you think Michael bought for Christina? comment!!! Have a guess hehe! So here's what you should be commenting!

"He bought Christina________ hair dye"

"Get Christina with _______" witch one?





You decide!!! Comment comment comment!!! It's like a little task for every chapter lol

Anyways make sure to vote and share with friends too! Thanks for reading!

Leah :* xx

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