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I look around to see decorations and balloons! It's not my birthday? That's 2 months away and they know that

"SURPRISE!!!" They all shout

"What's all this?" I say surprisingly

"It's a welcome to our 5SOS family!"

The boys are in a band!... Oops I forgot to say!

There really good at music and there song are brilliant, I've listen to them for the past week, that's the only thing I've been doing really when they were away I enjoyed listening to there music! There called 5 Seconds Of Summer! I love the name!

"We weren't really doing our own thing" Ashton says


"I lied, and it worked!!" Ashton says giggling

"I'm confused" I say

"Sorry we've not seen you for a week, we've all been preparing a little party for you, because you've been a really great friend and I know we only met a week ago but you've been really close with us and your great!" Luke says with a smile

"Awwwww" I say

"You've been a really great friend to us and now-" Calum gets cut of

"YOUR IN THE 5SOS FAMILY!!!!!!!" Ashton cheers

"Your one of us!" Michael says

"Well expect she's a girl and-" Calum heat cut off again

"Shut up Calum!" Michael teases and Calum and I laugh

"You guys are sooooooooo sweet!"

"Yeah we know" Luke chuckles

"Oh we are going to be singing one of our songs live! Especially for you Chris!" Ashton says

"Ohhhhhh myyyy! Witch one??!" I say excitedly

"TRY HARD!" They all shout

"Yessssssssss, that's my favourite!"

They get ready and they all start singing try hard!!

She's dropping out of school

cause she don't need the grades

The colours in her hair don't seem to fade

I get dressed up when I go out but she gets dressed down

She's 17 I told her I'm 20

I couldn't take her out cause mums got no money...

As the song goes on I start singing along

It's obvious she's so out of reach

And I'm finding it hard cause she makes me feel

Makes me feel like I try like I try like I'm trying to hard

Cause I'm not being me and it's getting me down that she makes me think makes me think like I try like I try like I'm trying to hard again!!!!

The song finishes and I scream so loud that a glass cup broke, we all start laughing our head off until our sides hurt, I love how we find things hilarious, I guess it's funnier with all of them around

"Thank you, thank you very much!" Michael says in a Elvis Presley voice

I don't know why but I thought that was hilarious

Later on out of the blues Michael says

"I'm going to dye my hair blonde...AGAIN!"

"Wow...GREAT!" I shout and he laughs

"I liked your hair blonde, it was cool!" Luke says

"That's why I'm doing it duh!" He teases

"So who coming with me tomorrow to get the dye?!"

"We all will" Ashton says


"Yes!" We all say at the same time and then we all laughed

"Well thank you!" Michael says in a posh voice

"It's our honour!" I say in the same tone

Then we all just chatted like we always do, then laugh our heads off

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