25. Listen I Need A Favour

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WHAT!!!!!!!!!! How can this be????? Christina with Ashton?!?!?! No way, it must be a mistake I mean they don't look good together, she's needs to be with someone else, someone that can call her at midnight if they wanted to say how beautiful she is or how ADORABLE she is or how amazing and outgoing she is!

Someone like... Me!

But how??!! I can't ask her now! Plus I was too shy to ask her before

Hmmmm what should I do?!

I have my hands in my pockets and I feel a piece of paper and I take it out and see numbers on it then it hit me

Yes! I'll make Christina jealous, then she'll be so mad and I know the perfect girl to do that with

But she's horrible but I have to for Christina

I call up the number on the piece of paper

It's ringing


"Hey... Chelsea" I say while gulping

"Oh hey Lukey!" She said and I hate when people call me that, and I hate it even more when she saids it!

"Listen I need a favour" I say nervously

"Oh really?" She said mischievously

"It's nothing in that way!" I say worriedly

"Aw! Really, well okay! What is it Lukey?!"

"I need you to help me make Christina jealous, and we need to pretend we're a c-couple" I hesitated at the last minute the word "couple" for me and Chelsea! NO WAY!

I continue

"Because I hear your good at stealing people from her" I say but regret it afterwords

"I am aren't I?" she giggled over the phone and I made the most sarcastic laugh ever oops

"Will you do it?" I ask

"What's in it for me?" She asked

"Erm... You get to kiss me?" I say having no clue what to say

"I suppose, you are incredibly hot!" She said and my eyes widen

"Erm... Thank you?" I say more as a question

"No problem hunk!" She giggled. "Hunk" really oh god what have I done?!

"Well I need to go but meet me at the park later that's where Chris will be"

"Wait... Do you like her?" She said stating the obvious

"Yes! But you can't tell her" why did I say that of course she will!

"I won't I promise because I want to see her all sad and stuff so yeah I'll let her suffer!" she

Well she's nice (not)

"Yes I'll do it" she finally agrees


"Bye hottie!" she says and hangs up the phone

I take my phone away from my ear and feel disgusted

But this is for Christina I just want her to be with me!



So ooohhhh Luke how dare you! Lol but I hope you enjoy!! Make sure to vote, comment and share with friends!

Thanks for reading!

Leah💖😋 xx

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