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today is my birthday!!!!!! whooohoo!

I'm 20! Oh god I feel old!! Haha

I'm in bed feeling exhausted yes I still wake up early and get excited for my birthday! Even if I'm 20!

I hear a knock on my door

I open it to see Christina with balloons

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHTON!!!!!" she shouts

"THANKS!!!!!" I shout back

Wow she looks pretty today I don't know why I said that...

I hug her and and we both go to the living room and I see 3 weirdos jumping about to our song End up here, yes we jump around to our songs because were god damn cool like that! Haha

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHTON!!" they all say

"Awww guys" I fake cry

"Well, aren't you going to dance?!" Luke said

"HELL YEAH!!!!" I shouted and everyone cheered

"C'mon Chris you too!" I said and taking out my hand waiting for her hand to touch mine

"Okay!!!!!" she said and took my hand and we all jumped around


We all are jumping around to End up here witch is one of my favourites! Like me being a fangirl I knew all the words and so did the boys, well obviously Chris!

After all of the dancing, me and the boys sat down and Ashton opened his presents, then we discuss Ashton's party!

"Okay so heres the plan"
I tell everyone and they listen and Ashton's is all excited awww so so cute!... ANYWAY!

I continue on

"So at 6 or 7 everyone starts getting ready, the party doesn't start until 9 so-" I get cut off

"Wait, but we all don't do much and we will probably have 2 hours to spear what do we do for that?" Luke state's the obvious that guys are quicker dressers then girls, even that's not always true!

"Oh... Okay well I'm a girl, I need to look pretty and beauty takes time!" I say

"No you don't!" Calum said

"Oh shut up!" I tease

"Okay fine!, I'll get reading at 7 you's get ready at 8 how about that?" I say and they all nod in agreement

"Where's this party?" Ashton asks

"Well, it was going to be my house but you know..." I pause

"It's in a huge club" Michael finishes my pause

"Yeah, it's huge" Calum adds



I take a shower before I start getting ready then I put on my outfit

I'm wearing a black dress that go down to my knees with no sleeves

For shoes I wear my black converses (obviously)

For hair I curl it again! because Ashton likes it curly and it's his special day so... Shut up!

For makeup I done the simple eyeliner, mascara and a coloured lip

And that's me done that only took... About 2 hours but who's complaining?

"Chris hurry up! we're all ready!" Michael shouts from a different room

Okay maybe the boys are complaining

I walk down stares to see all the boys on the couch they were all on there phones except for Calum, he sees me and his jaw dropped

"Ohhhh myyy godddd" he said shocked

All the boys heard and saw me and there jaws were on the floor literally haha

"Wow..." Luke said

"You look...erm" Ashton said while pausing

Michael was just speechless

"Okay okay that enough of that! let's go!" I said

"Oh yeah let's go!" Luke said

"Let's partyyyyyyyyy!!!!!" Ashton shouts and we all cheer like mad, I feel bad for there neighbours
Oh well



We are all dancing around like mad to all of Ashton's favourite songs! he has good taste!

There is alcohol and I will only drink it because it's a very special occasion

I drink 1 cup but later on, I felt like 6 cups! oh god!!

I was dancing like a weirdo! seriously I was dancing with no one

I shout out

"I'M SO DRUNK!" oops god whyyyyy

I see Ashton walking my way

"HEYYY ASHIE!!" I say drunk obviously I've never called him "ashie" before, god Ashton please save me

"Hey!" he shouts over the music

"I'm soooooooooooo drunk!!!!" I say

"I can tell!" he teases

"Let's dance!!!!!!!!!!!" I suggested


After of hours of dancing like a weirdo with Ashton I sobered up

And Ashton was sobered up too

We keep dancing and dancing and I stare into Ashton's eyes, he stares at mine and we get closer and I hug him

"Happy birthday Ashton!" I said

"Thanks!" he said

We break up the hug and we're so close, and we both smash our lips together... Oh my god! I'm kissing Ashton! well I always thought he was cute! oh god Christina shhhhhh this is the alcohol! but I sobered up

This goes on for a good 5 minutes and we separate

"I-I'm sorry" Ashton said

"No no it's okay" I said innocently

We both smile and have an awkward silents for about 3 seconds until we kissed again, it was like fireworks, wow cheesy much but I don't care, I've never felt this way before
Heyyyyyy guysssss! I hope you enjoyed that chapter!! So! OMG !!!!!

ASHTON AND CHRISTINA KISSED AHHHHH what do you think??? it's not Luke! ooohhhh

Well it is Ashton's birthday today!! WHOOOHOOO on my last chapter I said it so I'll say it again!!! Happy birthday Ashton!! He won't read this but oh well!

Thanks for reading

Leah 😉

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