17. Blue's My Favourite Colour

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Michael finishes with his hair and it's even more green then the last time!

"Wow! It looks like..."

"SLIME" Ashton shouts

The room went silent then we all laughed

"Okay Chris it's your turn" Michael whispers

The rest of the boys don't know that I'm going to dye my ends and I still don't know what colour it is!!

Me and Michael are in the bathroom

"So what colour??!" I ask worriedly

"BLUE!!" He cheers

"Oh!... I like blue?" I say as a question oops

"Do you? You don't seem like you do?" He says

"No I do" I say nervously

"Okay let's get on with it!"

30 minutes later the ends of my hair was blue

"Oh...My...God..." I was speechless

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah!" I said cheerfully

I run out the bathroom and show all the boys and there jaws are on the ground


Christina walks out the bathroom with blue hair dye on the ends of her hair and... Wow! Um... Wow! She looks even more beautiful- OH MY GOD SHUT UP BRAIN!!!!

"What do you think?" she asked twirling around

"It's cool!" Ashton says

"I like it!!!" Calum said

"It's... Pretty...cool!" I hesitate

Christina blushed at my comment and I went all red

"I'll be right back" I say and walk out

I hear footsteps behind me and it was Christina

"So you like my hair?" She asked

"Yeah, it makes you look... Cute! Blue's my favourite colour" I smirk

"Oh... Thanks" she blushes again

I didn't realise that our faces were nearly touching and after 1 second

"Hey peeps!!!!!!!! Let's get pizza!!" Ashton said

Me and Christina's eyes shot up to Ashton's face and we both snapped out of our gazing

"Erm anyway, thanks for the compliment and I'm glad you like my h-hair" she hesitated

"Uh.. Y-yeah your welcome"

"Erm HELLO???? Pizza??" Ashton repeated

"Oh sorry yeah... You can't order it!" Christina said

"Okayyyyyy!" Ashton said and scurried away

"Sorry about that" I said

"Oh... That's okay"

Then there was an awkward silent

"So, we should probably go back to everyone" I said

"Yeah let's go Blondie!" She giggled

"Okay... Well your turning Into a rainbow" I smile

We both walk back and forgot about the whole thing


Soooooooo I hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!

Ooohhhhhhhhhhh Christina and Luke! There faces were nearly touching and he called her cute! Awwwwwwwwwwwwww

I dedicate this chapter to jagodzianka1 because she helped me with this chapter and she's one of my bestos also she's been writing a book it's a 5sos fanfic and it's called Him and it's amazing sooo dramatic haha check her out please!

Make sure to comment

"Get Christina with Luke"

"Get Christina with Ashton"

"Get Christina with Michael"


"Get Christina with Calum"

You decide :D

Thanks for reading

Leah :) xx

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