2. Are You Okay?

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I decided to go outside for a walk, it was sunny outside and I couldn't resist.

I put on a black top and high wasted white shorts, for shoes I just put on my black converse. For make up I just done mascara because I've been crying my eyes out so I didn't want to do anything but my lashes. I keep my hair natural left it down and just brushed my long blonde hair, then I headed out the door.

I was walking for about 5 minutes then I came across a bench then just sat there for a while.

I noticed I got 1 missed call on my phone, how the hell did I miss that?

The caller ID said "Mum" what? she called me?

Well it must be pretty serious because my mother never calls me to see how I'm doing or if I'm okay or if she wanted to have some mother daughter time- no way! she never does these things it's the complete opposite she only check up on the house or "I'll be at work all night" or "can you come to my work and bring my 'fancy' clothes. I'm going to a very special party" but it's not a special party it's the club across the road.

She does lie to me a lot, but they're more excuses.

I call my mum again and she picks up by the 4th ring, she's great at answering her phone (note the sarcasm).

"God sake Christina can you answer your phone just this once?" My mother greeted.

I'm sorry but I always answer the phone, you only call me when you need something.

"Sorry mum, what is it?" I say, trying to guess what her excuse is this time.

"Ermm..." She took a moment and I was confused if she was still on the line. I called her name and she instantly spoke up all flushed.

"I wasn't meant to call you!" She said so disappointedly but was fake laughing to try and make it less awkward, thanks mother.

"But you called me in the first place?" I'm so done with this woman.

"I have a friend called Christina I was meant to call her" she giggles over the phone but I don't find this funny at all. How the hell do you mistake your friend from your own daughter? Ever thought of a contact photo mother.

"Okay?" I say confused but in a sad way of course. "Well bye mu-"

Just then she hung up. She didn't even say
goodbye or say sorry or have a nice day?

I felt more tears pouring down my face, I felt so angry but my tears made me weak and I couldn't get mad, so I sat on the bench with my hands over my face and I was weeping for ages.

Just then I felt a hand touch my shoulder, my head shoots up and I see a tall blonde hair boy with very beautiful blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" He said. Wow, his voice is low.

"Y-yeah" I say trying to get the words out but I was too upset to say anything and shocked by how this boy is so nice looking- oh my god did I really just think that? Shut up brain shut up.

"My name is Luke." He smiled.

"Hi, I'm Christina."

I take out my hand to shake his hand and he chuckles.

"What?" I say confusedly.

"Nothing" then he shakes my hand.

Wow he's got big hands.

"Your hands are really big..." I can't believe I just said to him!

I'm doomed.

He starts laughing even more than he did before and my face goes all red.

"Well your hands look small" he chuckles.

"No there not, they're average!" I say loudly but he didn't agree.

"Okay" he says sarcastically.

We both smile at each other then I look away blushing.

"So what are you doing here all alone?"

I don't know If I should lie or not?

"I got bored and wanted to go outside?" I said it more like a question then a statement.

"Why were you crying?" He got a bit more serious with his questions.

I didn't know what to say I couldn't tell my life to a stranger. He could be dangerous.

"Well... I-" he cuts me off.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" he said softly.

I gave him a shrug and then I said.


He gave me a small hug. Wait, he just hugged me.

"Listen, do you want to hang out with me and my friends?"

Should I be worried? I don't even know him, I mean he seems really nice but he can be trouble.

"Are you's trouble?" Why did I sat that?

He laughed and I smiled nervously.

"No, we're very safe and caring people" he nodded.

"Okay, I'll come" I didn't even think I just said it. I don't have anyone else so why should I be worried?

He smiled and then we were both on our way to see his friends.

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