9. How Rude!

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I'm in my room on my laptop watching the boys old YouTube videos, I got to say, I'm really proud of them!

Out of no where Luke comes barging in my bedroom door while trying to catch his breath

"Luke?!" I say worriedly

"Chris..." He says while breathing heavily

"Hold up, how did you get in my house?"

"Oh...the door was open, you should really lock that you know?" He says

"What's going on?" I say ignoring his statement

"Well... Hey?! Is that me and Michael?" He said forgetting he was out of breath barged into my room... Wow, he's weird...but in a good way of course

"What?..." I say confusingly

He points to my laptop

"Oh, haha yeah I'm just watching all your covers" I smile

"Oh my..." He says terrifyingly

"You both look soooooo adorable" I squeak

"That was about 2 yeas ago I think" he chuckles

"Wow, you've changed!" I say in shock

"Yeah" he agrees

"So what you doing here?" Reminding him why he was here

"Oh yeah!, erm I just got bored! Haha" Luke laughs

"Huh???" I'm so confused

"I had nothing else to do neither did Calum and-"

"Where's Calum?" I say cutting him off

"He's in the kitchen"

"Okayy??... But it seemed like something really bad happened"

"Nothing happened" he smirks

"But you made it so dramatic"

"I'm a good actor, plus I done that to scare you haha" he smiles

"How rude!" I say in a jokey way

"What did I miss??" Calum says while walking into my room sitting next to me

"Well... I don't really know haha" I say

"I scared Christina!" Luke said proudly

"No you didn't!, you just worried me"


"Shut up!" I say and throw a pillow at him and Calum giggled

"Nice room!!" Calum says

"Thanks!" I say happily

"Oooohhh" Luke says while opening my wardrobe

"Hey! It's rude opening other peoples stuff without asking!" I say maturely

"We're going old school are we?" Luke smirks

"No... But-"

"Relax, I'm not going to steal anything... This is not my style anyway" Luke teases

"Oh well thanks!" I say sarcastically

Calum tries to be sly and go on my computer, and he did not succeed

"Cooooool, your watching our covers!" He squeaks

"Yeah, there all really good!"

"I'm touched!" Calum fake cries

And I smile

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