24. W-w-wait What?

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I woke up with the worst hungover ever!!! Well it was my first time drinking

I hear a knock on the door

"Hey it's Ashton, are you awake?"

Oh no bed hear again! I can't let Ashton see me like this!

I run up to the door so Ashton doesn't open it

"Hey ash erm just a sec okay?"

"Sure I'll be here" I have a feeling he's smiling through the door, I just know it

I run to the mirror and brush my hair, it was a complete mess!

I open the door with my hand on my head and the other on my hip like a weirdo

"Hey!" He said cheery

"Hi, did you have a great birthday?" I smile

"Yeah, and I'm so glad that we're together"
he smiles while holding my hands


"W-w-wait what?" I said shocked

"You and me, a couple"

My heart is literally pounding

"We are?" I said so confused

"You don't remember us kissing last night?" He smiled shyly

"No I don't remem- awwwww yeah!"

Last night came back to me so clearly

We kissed (a lot) and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes aww

"So, you remember now?" His smile went wider and wider

"Yes" I smile back

"Good" he giggled


He gives me a kiss, it's soft and simple but amazing!

I blush and he smiles

"Your blushing is adorable" he giggles

"And your giggle is even more adorable, if that makes any sense haha" I say very badly

"Works for me" he said

We both go into the living room and see Luke, Michael and Calum sitting on the couch watching TV

"Hey guys!" Ashton shouts

"Hi" they all said

Me and Ashton are still holding hands

Calum looks over and smiles at us

"So you are finally together!"

Luke looks over and was confused

"What?" Luke said

"Erm, how did you know that??" I asked Calum

"Well it was obvious, you guys were making out for the whole party and Ashton always liked you" Calum finishes

Ashton went all red

"You've always liked me?" I said in a tiny voice

"Y-yeah, I guess" he said shyly

"Awww ash!" I shout and hug him he laughed and all the boys awed except for Luke"

"I-I need to go" Luke said while walking away

"Where?" I asked

"Just somewhere" he said and walked out and slammed the door

I wonder where he's going? Was he upset?

I hope not!

"Im happy for you guys!" Michael said

"Me too!" Calum said

"Me three" Ashton winked at me

"Yeah so do I!"
Hi hi so what did you think?!

Ashton and Christina a thing?! ooohhhh lol

I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading make sure to comment, vote and share with friends!

Leah 😆 xx

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