28. Where Are You Going Luke?

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I nervously stand in front of Christina's closed door

I don't know why I was being like this?

I knock on the door

"Christina?, it's Luke can I come in?"

"N-no" she hesitated

I quickly open the door to find her breathing quickly, crying her eyes out

"Chris!" I shouted and ran over to her

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I...uh...I had a nightmare...and" and she starts breathing unevenly again

I hug her tight

"It's okay, I'm here"

Her breathing becomes slower and even

"What was your dream about?" I asked concerned

"Oh erm... It was...uh...a wedding, and I was getting married to... You know what, forget it" she says

"Oh...okay" I say confused

"Thanks Luke" she says after a few minutes

"For what?"

"For caring for me, and protecting me, Chelsea is a lucky... Girlfriend" she gulps after the word "girlfriend" it even made me sick to my stomach

"Well you know, that's me" I smile

And she giggles

God sake that giggle! is so frigging adorable

We separate the hug

"Do you just want to watch TV all day?, Just us?" she asks shyly

"I wouldn't miss a offer like that" I smile at her


We decided to watch Friends


"I love you Monica" Chandler said

"I love you too Chandler"

They both kiss


"Awww" Christina says

I smile at her

"I wish it can be that simple, two friends in love" she sighs

"But you and Ashton were friends now your together" I gritted through my teeth but she didn't notice

"Oh yeah... Um, but weren't not in love"

"Oh" I slyly smile

"Yet" she said and my mini smile disappeared

"Do you love him now?" I asked

"I don't know" she sighed

We were so close

Ashton barged in with a cheery happy face on

"HEY GUYS!" He shouts

"H-h-hi Hun" Chris said and I hated it when she called him "Hun"

Ashton walked over to the couch beside Chris so he's in the middle of us

"What were you's doing before I came?" Ashton asked suspiciously


"We were watching Friends" I covered her awkward hesitation

"Aw cool"

This is beginning to get even more awkward so I start to get up off the couch

"Where are you going Luke?" Christina had a worried look on her face witch I didn't get

"I'm going to leave you's to love birds alone" I tease

"Well see you later" Ashton said

"Yeah see you" Christina said gritting through her teeth

I don't know why she's acting like this, I mean I thought she was happy with Ashton

Unless my plan is working?

I don't know, but I want to be with her now


Hello!!!! so what do you think?

Does Christina not like Ashton in that "way" anymore?

Do you think Luke's "plan" is working?

Answer them in the comments!

I hope your enjoying my book so far! It's my first fan fiction so I hope you like it ☺️

By the way Luke is 18 soon ahhhhhhhh! I will do a dedication happy birthday thing for him haha! ❤️

Make sure to vote, comment and share with friends!

Thanks for reading!

Leah 😃😉😜☺️😂🙈 xx

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