Chapter 1

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May 14, 2020 edited      

Not perfect but better than before. No plot changes 

Life was great! I mean it was flippin fantastic! I had a family who loved me and who I loved. My existence in life was to help those in need and protect those who could not protect themselves. It was my last year in highschool before heading off to university to become the doctor I have dreamt about since I was young. Yes my life was close to perfect!

Now if you believe all that then you are an idiot. That life I just described to you all only existed in fairytales. My real life was the complete opposite. Life sucked. I do not like anyone and could give a rats ass about helping others. I was in my last year of highschool, that was the truth, but there were no university plans. Maybe college, but even that was a slim maybe. I was kinda looking into the whole hire hitman route. Ok, maybe not but it was an idea. A pretty good one if you ask me. Oh and for my family? Yeah, well they are gone. I don't remember my mom at all. All I knew was that she died when I was really young. I didn't even know what she looked like. My dad did say I looked a lot like her but who knows. As for my dad, well he is gone too. Almost a year ago he had left to go on one of his monthly business trips. Long story short the plane went down and there were no survivors.

After that hit of realization that he wasn't coming back, and a quick stay involving Child Services, I ended up stuck with my moms sister for a few months. Six long months to be exact. To this day I wished they had never found her. Let's just say that things did not go so well. Trust me on that one. I don't remember being an overly happy kid, except for when I was spending time with my dad, but things changed after I turned 12. I never knew what happened but it seemed like one day my dad woke up and the man I knew and loved was no longer there. Oh don't get me wrong he never beat the shit out of me or anything, he was just cold. He was the one who pushed me to improve myself when it came to my training. One that I am extremely grateful for now but I never understood why it was so important back then and to be honest I still don't. The worst thing he ever really did was yell and/or throw things. But even though he wasn't always there for me or during his fits of anger I still loved him. He was my dad. The man that taught me how to do just about everything as far as I can remember. Now he was gone, and instead of the average kid who was never the happiest I was an angry, sarcastic teenage bitch. No, I didn't go around getting into fights, bullying people and causing shit. Umm...Ok that is a bit of a lie. I do fight and a lot but I never really started them. I just seem to have this knack for getting under peoples skin. I avoided getting into trouble the best I could. That didn't seem to work out too well. But I was not a bully! I despised people who enjoy picking on people who either could not defend themselves or just due to being smaller or different then themselves. I may have acted on Karma's behalf a couple of times when I spotted someone being pushed around and I may have taught them a small teeny little lesson.

Anyways, those were the reasons why I was on my way to live with my father's brother. A man who I had never met and just recently spoke to a handful of times. All I ever knew about my uncle was that when my dad decided to move away after he met my mom my uncle refused to talk to him again unless he moved back home. That was how we ended up on the other side of the country. I knew there was a bigger story behind that.

I was pretty sure my aunt was ecstatic when my uncle contacted her out of the blue. Hell I am not even sure if she even looked into see if this man was really a blood relative. She couldn't wait to get rid of me fast enough. My, so called, uncle called not even a full week ago demanding to be my new guardian. Not that she put up any kinda fight at all. So now that was how I ended up on a plane with my life stuffed in a couple of suitcases and my ipod pumping out tunes while heading to the middle of nowhere.

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