Chapter 36

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May 17, 2020 edited

Better but not perfect...No plot changes

Black. Black was all I could see. I was surrounded by it but this time it did not give me the comfort that it has over the past couple of weeks. It felt like I was standing in a room with no light. I couldn't move. I couldn't feel. I started to hear murmurs but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I tried to yell and scream but nothing came out but my silence. I tried to move but I couldn't. Was I dead? My fear spiked right before a soothing sensation filled the room.

"You're not dead. We're not dead," a small soft growl of a voice said. She sounded so far away but at the same time it felt like the voice was right beside me.

"Who are you? Where are you?" Although nothing came out of my mouth I heard my words ring though my head.

There was a sigh but nothing else. Finally after a few very long silent minutes she spoke again. I think it was a she. "I'm your wolf. We are healing. You will wake soon but it will take me longer. Our," her growls were getting louder. I started to feel her anger and regret. "Bond is broken. I don't know if I can fix it. Our mate bond is also broken as well. I damaged us. I am sorry."

I didn't have a clue what she was talking about. Her voice was growing so distant. "I don't understand. What bond?" I asked desperately. I felt the urgency but I didn't understand what I was feeling and why. She never answered.

I tried over and over again but she wouldn't responded. I still felt that presence as if someone was with me but it was so faint. I was so tired, my body felt as if it was falling. Even though I stood in a lightless room I felt the blackness consume me once again.

"Come on Mac fight goddammit!" The soft voice of M1 was the first thing I heard when I woke up. Maybe woke up was too strong of a word. I was still in the damn lightless room. I cried out for him to help me but still had no voice.

"I have a right to see her! She is my mate!" Was that Jenson? It sounded like him but it didn't. Why the hell was he here anyways?

There was a couple growls before Corey spoke. "Are you sure about that little cousin?" Corey sounded like he already knew the answer. No one spoke for a minute. "Did you forget that I know what happens when you attack your mate. Sure you may feel a whisper of the bond but that is it. She had practically broken the bond when her wolf attacked you. If she would have succeeded you would have been dead. I am pretty sure it was Mac who got control that last second and that was why she was torn away from you. Her wolf wanted you dead. Not the human. I am honestly surprised the bond didn't completely break." Corey sounded like he was thinking himself.

"I still feel the mate bond!" Yep that was Jenson. He sounded like his angry self again.

"But can your wolf?" Corey asked, sounding tired.

I wanted to scream at them that I was here and to stop talking about me as if I wasn't but all my protests were in silence. Still I had nothing. Even when I tried to reach for my wolf I barely could feel her. I thought that hearing Jenson's voice would spark something especially since I remembered the rage she felt towards him but the spark did not grow.

"I am still her mate and I am the only one that can help her so get the fuck out of my way!" Jenson was on the verge of yelling. He sounded more desperate.

"Son," that was Alpha Alexander. Shit how many people were here with me? Fuck I wish I would wake up already! "Listen to me. Her wolf...I don't know if she will make it. Mac will but her wolf may not. Even though she was enraged with what you did she was also heartbroken and tried to attack you. A new wolf doesn't usually survive that kind of drama. She has been fighting for so long to help Mac but with not being able to shift these past couple of years it has weakened her too much. Your wolf may do more damage than good." Jenson started to say something but Alpha Alexander cut him off. "I know son. I am not happy with the way you handle things and I don't agree with what you did at all but I understand. Unfortunately you now have to pay for the consequences of your actions. That might very well be to leave Mac alone. When she wakes up and after she heals then talk to her if she allows it. But remember what you did...well don't get your hopes up. Physically she will be fine but mentally...I just don't know."

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