Chapter 27

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May 17, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

I had been able to avoid any close encounters with Jenson for a few days now. Seeing him at a distance played havoc on my hormones and emotions as it was but being in the same room was not going to be good. Trying to finish my food without looking like I was shoving it down my throat was not easy. As the voices became louder and the footsteps closer it was harder and harder to swallow.

From the corner of my eye I saw Drew walk around the corner first with his arm around some redhead. Behind him were a couple other guys followed by Tania, which of course was hanging all over Jenson or was it Cindy, Candy? I don't know why I even tried to figure it out. I think Nick was trailing behind them. Unfortunately when Jenson caught my sight I had a hard time focusing on anything else.

When I caught sight of him my stomach knotted. Knowing my appetite was gone I chugged back the last of my milk and stood to clean off my plate.

"Ah there is the woman of the hour!" Jenson's voice had me flinch. He sounded a little too cheerful, like it was forced. "I was reading some very interesting stuff about you Mac. Do you want to know what I found out?" My feet were glued to the floor. I couldn't move or speak. I didn't know what he found out but I could hear the satisfaction in his voice. This was not going to be good.

"Yes? No? It was a fascinating read let me tell you. Oh and that...what was his name again?" My back was still to him and the others but when I heard his fingers snapped I jumped. "Johnny Harper! That's it."

The dish in my hand slipped and shattered to the floor. I just stood there staring straight ahead begging for him to stop but no words would come out. "Mac! Fuck, Jenson whatever you are doing knock it off," Nick said sounding confused and pissed.

There was a sound of two bodies hitting each other before someone hit the wall. "Keep him there," Jenson growled. "Nick you have forgotten who I am and who you are supposed to be. I suggest you remember that real fast. Remember where your loyalties lie." Jenson's voice was soft but cold as he spoke to Nick. "Now where were we? Ah yes, Johnny boy." I flinched when he said his name for the second time. I haven't heard that name or even said it in my mind in over two years. But what had me tremble was Jenson's voice. His voice went from soft and cold to excited in a split second. He knew what happened or at least the rumors and was going to tell everyone. I didn't understand how someone could get off this much on someone else's pain.

"Johnny boy was your first boyfriend wasn't he, Mac? The one you lost your virginity too. It was on your 14th birthday wasn't it? You do know that it is the general custom to receive a gift on your birthday and not give one away don't you?" His laugh was dark and was followed by the others. I heard Nick start to protest for Jenson to stop but there was a loud smack and Nick was the one who quieted.

"You see I heard two different versions on what happened that night but they both had the same outcome. The first is less likely since I have spoken to Johnny and he seems like a really good guy." I was trying to contain my breathing. I was going to be sick. "The first was that poor Johnny took advantage of you and things got a little rough for you. I just can't see the guy forcing himself on anyone. See that is why I have a hard time believing that little story plus if that had actually happened then surely you would have told someone, but you said nothing so that is why I believe Johnny's version. The one that you were so desperate and threw yourself at him. That you were such a horrible lay and he felt disgusted by what he did and your behaviour that he left and wanted nothing to do with you again. Now that I can see." I heard a couple gasps but Jenson's chuckle was the only thing I could really focus on. Everything else was simply background noise. A steady static that made no sense but was there just to fill in the silent moments.

I wanted to yell, scream, hit something, hell even run away but I couldn't move. "Our Johnny boy was so embarrassed about what happened and how he let you take advantage of him that he actually encouraged what happened in school after that day. I heard you spent some alone time in some lockers, got slapped around a bit, lost a few lunches and oh my favourite was the incident in the bathroom. Too bad the janitor had broken that little group gathering up. Maybe those boys would have been able to teach you how to please a man. But things got interrupted before they got to the good parts. But I did hear you have learned a few tricks after your daddy died." For the last minute I heard Jenson's voice moving closer and closer. All I could do was prevent myself from throwing up right there and then.

I felt his breath hit my neck before he spoke again. "I heard you like it rough," his voice was just above a whisper. I shivered when his breath hit my neck. "Too bad the sight of you made me sick or I would take you for a ride. But you are too weak and pathetic for me even to allow you in my room never mind my bed. You see that is also the reason you will never have a mate. That is the reason that even if you do make it through your shift alive I will get the pleasure in watching you die because you are too weak to control your wolf. With no control we will kill you." His words shocked me enough to forget everything else he had said. He wanted me dead. He sounded excited about the chance of watching people kill me. That couldn't be right, could it? But then why did his words feel true? Why did my gut tell me he wasn't lying? Everything else he had said was true so why would he lie about this? The answer was, I didn't think he was lying.

When Jenson walked by me his shoulder jarred mine and it was that movement that had my feet moving. I ignored the large crowd that was now watching the show from the doorway coming from the dining hall as well from the hall into the kitchen. I ignored the smirks and laughter from Jenson's friends. I ignored the shock look from Nick who was being held up against the wall by Drew. I ignore the anger and sadness in M1's eyes who stood as frozen as I was a moment ago.

As I walked around the island I had to pass the people I despised the most. I was in such turmoil I wasn't sure what emotion I was feeling. I wasn't in control of my mind or my body. I was on autopilot. What snapped me out of my haze even if it was only for a few seconds was seeing Nick struggle to get out of Drew's hold and Drew's fist connect with Nick's jaw. My momentary focus was all on Drew. When I reached him and Nick I grabbed Drew's shirt and threw him off Nick almost hitting some guy in the process to have Drew hit the floor 8 feet away and slide another 3 feet. I ignored the yelling and found myself in my room alone behind a locked door. This time no one came knocking on my door. Now they knew what happened and how weak I really was. 

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