Chapter 29

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May 17, 2020 edited

Better but not perfect...No plot changes


A half hour later I couldn't believe what I just heard. I was appalled what Jenson just did and of the words I just heard. I was upstairs knocking on Mac's door when I heard Jenson and just by his tone it had me paying closer attention. When I finally realized what was going on it was too late to stop it. Not that I could anyways because when it came down to it as of right now Jenson was to become the new Alpha and he more than outranked me.

I had never seen Mac like that. She seemed paralyzed with fear. I could smell it coming from her right before her shame. I had never wanted to kill someone more in my life than right at that moment. Maybe we were wrong all this time about Jenson and Mac being mates. There was no way anyone could do that to someone they cared for, even if you didn't like your fated mate deep down you cared for them. You can fight it all you want but the feelings, the pull, the need to protect was always there. What Jenson just did showed nothing of the kind. The only time I had seen something this malice was against someone who was responsible for killing someone's mate.

When I saw Jenson shove his shoulder into Mac I almost lost it but when I saw her finally move I stopped. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know what she was going to do. What I didn't expect was for her to walk away from Jenson. I thought she would have attacked him. I saw her react from someone doing so much less before. As she walked towards me I knew she wasn't seeing anything at all. She wasn't there in her head.

When she grabbed Drew by the shirt I held my breath but still didn't move. I told myself it was because of shock at what had just happened but I think deep down I wanted her to do something. Feel something. She moved so fast, if it wasn't for our quick reflexes and our enhanced sense the poor kid beside me would have been knocked over when Drew's body went flying past us.

I think when she saw Nick struggle to get out of Drew's hold before he punched him was what made Mac throw Drew away from Nick. Now I wasn't the only one frozen in his spot. Nick didn't move. He looked as lost as I felt. I watched helplessly as Mac stormed up the stairs. I so wanted to go check on her but I knew it wouldn't be welcomed. I could see Nick thinking the same thing. I was just glad that Corey was not there to witness what just happened. That would have been a great welcome. It basically said, "Hey welcome to our fucked up dysfunctional pack!" Definitely not a great start and Corey had just arrived a couple of hours ago.

From the corner of my eye I saw Thomas. He was furious. I wasn't sure if it was because of what Jenson just did or what we all just learned. I think it was a toss up. His body was shaking, his hands clenched in tight fists. He was about to lose it to his wolf. But there was a reason he was our Beta. He had control. Well enough for him to make it outside before he shifted. Less than a minute after Thomas ran outside there was a mournful howl. It was Thomas crying out the grief he felt for his niece. The kitchen was silent, the whole house was for that matter. When I looked over at Jenson I swear I could see regret, shame and fear in his eyes. That was until he looked up and spotted his father. Then it was only disobedience and determination. None of it made sense to me.

I felt the rage before I turned to look at our Alpha. Everyone could feel it as heads dropped forward and to the side showing their submission. That wasn't the scary part. No, what was worse when all of a sudden there was nothing. No rage, no disappointment. No nothing. The Alpha had closed himself off completely from us all. I have never been scared of my Alpha. I respected him and knew when to push the limits but never scared. Now I was terrified. I have never seen someone shut themselves off completely to the pack before. The power it took would be massive. Alpha Alexander was never the type to throw around his power. Oh sure he used it when he needed too but never had I felt anything like this.

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