Chapter 13

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May 15, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

THOMAS' POV        


"Who the hell was that?" Jenson was the first to speak up when myself, Alpha Alexander, Brad, Tony, and Nick were standing in the Alpha's sound proof office 20 minutes after my little scene with Mac.

"Thomas' niece. Her name is Mackenzie but goes by Mac." Alexander answered before turning to me. "What do you actually know about her?"

I let out a harsh laugh. "That she is right. I know that her bitch of an aunt disconnected her phone the night she arrived here. I know that I didn't give her any way to contact me or any of us in case of an emergency. You know I haven't spoken to my brother in years. I only know what we have on her school records that you have and I know what her aunt told me." I shook my head and started to pace. "She said that Mac had a temper and needed a strong firm hand to put her in her place. I know she is academically smart. I know that my brother started to travel a lot for his job the past few years and that her aunt said Mac had too much freedom and did whatever she wanted. She had no real parental guidance. And that is all I know about the kid. Well I found out that first day she is a lot faster and stronger than she should be. Her mother was human."

Tony cleared his throat asking for permission to speak. With a nod from Alexander he started. "I don't know a lot but she did tell me a couple things. She said she has been training in kickboxing for 2 years. The girl can fight. She really wants to learn more like she told us the other day. Last night I allowed her to spare with Nick here to see what level of skill she was at. She's fast and strong. They spared for two hours and she kept up the pace till the last couple of minutes. That is how she got the bruise, Thomas. Alpha it was black and blue last night. By tomorrow it will be completely healed. Nick put this cream on her face and told her it was this old fashioned remedy shit that helped with bruises. We both had a hunch and I think we may be right. I know it is rare but she is half her father. So..." He trailed off letting the rest of us catch up.

"She also hates being touched. Like I mean really hates it. Anything in anger or a sexual manner and she will throw you across her shoulder. Last night it seemed to be ok but it was doing our sparing and I think after when she let Tony here carry her it was just because she was too damn exhausted." Nick seemed to be thinking back at the events and a small smile touched his lips. "It is weird though because this morning in her room she seemed so at peace. There was no anger at all. It was if the exercise, her exhaustion from last night actually helped. It was like she was almost like she was at peace with herself and the surroundings. But then at breakfast she disappeared. I don't know what happened." Now Nick looked confused.

When I looked around the room I could see everyone thinking, wondering what had happened to her to have so much anger built inside her. I didn't have a clue but I knew I had to find out somehow.

"There is one more thing," Tony said while looking down at the floor. "I rather not say this but it may have something to do with whatever is going on." Tony started to fidget. He was the best damn warrior I knew and I had never seen him nervous before. "Long story short she said her virginity was not a gift but a curse and she lost that 3 years ago." There was a loud snap and all our heads shot up and looked around. The only one who didn't was Jenson.

His body was ramrod straight. His fists were so white due to clenching them so tight. "Just fucking great we have a possible half crazed she-wolf who may or may not shift soon." His head was down and before anyone could respond he was out the office door a few seconds before the main door slammed shut.

"What the hell was that about?" Alexander mumbled more to himself I assumed. "Ok here is the plan we start digging deep and see what we can find out about Mac. I agree with Tony and Nick. I think she just might be something more and it is better to find out about her past before something happens. We cannot let her leave if she is truly one of us. With her temper it will only be a matter of time before something really bad happens and I really think if she accidentally kills someone that it may break her beyond repair. Let's hope my son is wrong," Alexander looked at me with pity and sadness. "I am so sorry Thomas but I really think your niece has been through things that I hope we can help her with. I cannot imagine what will happen if we don't."

I heard the underlying message. It made my blood run cold. I understood but that didn't mean I wouldn't do anything to stop it from happening. I left my niece in an unhealthy situation and now it was up to me to try to fix it. Now all I can do is hope that it wasn't too late.

Leaving the meeting on that happy note we all left our Alpha's office with our own worried thoughts.

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