Chapter 22

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May 16, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

For the rest of the week Jenson and his gang seemed to back off. Neither myself or Jason seemed to have any issues. Even the hateful stares turned into only glances. I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't feel like shit. The burning fire in my chest was happening almost every night now except for last night. My skin was pale, I had bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep from either waking up to the assault in my chest or just fear of falling asleep. I had it in my head that if I didn't sleep I wouldn't feel the pain. It worked last night. I woke up every hour on the hour and nothing happened. The downfall was I was completely and utterly a walking freakn zombie. I was even too tired to snap at M1 when he was lecturing me on my sleeping habits. Believe me if I could sleep I would. Once he knew I wasn't going to respond he dropped it. Now him and Nick were treating me like a porcien doll. To be honest I was close to feeling that way.

I haven't done my morning run in 4 days and I couldn't seem to muster enough energy to be pissed about that either. I was going to make a trip to the doctors soon if things did not change soon. I haven't trained with M1 in three days. M1 said he had been busy with things so we couldn't train. I put up a bit of a fight but not much of one. I didn't want him to know that I was a little relieved we couldn't train. I knew there was no way I could keep up or even learn anything new. I didn't lock myself in my room the past few days. I still went into the training center and did my own thing but now I kept on an oversized t-shirt and could only last maybe 30 minutes or so compared to my two hour sessions. The bruise for the soccer brawl faded within a couple days but every morning I woke up with a new and darker bruise.

At first it started on my chest where the pain was but they seemed to be moving down. Now they started under my breast and covered my ribs and wrapped around my back. It was tender, I dreaded wearing a bra or sports bra but I did anyway. I just had to pull it up a little higher on my back. Not the most comfortable but it worked for the most part.

Today when I woke up I was exhausted but I felt a little better. Sure the bruises were still tender but my chest didn't feel tight and it felt like I could take my first real deep breath in days. I even moved from sluggish to just slow which made it look more like a lazy walk. I was also starved. It was Friday so I was actually looking forward to this weekend. M1 and I have been having a movie night every Friday for a few weeks now and it was something I looked forward to that didn't have to do with training. Nick even joined us for the movies. So it would be me stuck in the middle of the two while snacking on munchies while we either laughed with what was playing or made rude gestures. Ok that was Nick and I who did that while M1 would tell us to shut it. It was already a few great memories I would cherish...secretly of course.

"Hey Mackenzie," Nick greeted me as I sat down at the kitchen island ready to stuff one of the sausages in my mouth.

"Nick you know I do not like my full name," I grumbled but stayed focused on my food.

"Yep and you know I like to annoy you first thing in the morning, Love," he countered as he grabbed a plate of food and sat beside me. It was true. Lately he has been finding a new pet name for me every morning. This was the first time he had used my full name. Ok second time. The first was when he was mad at me for wanting to train after the soccer incident. I just rolled my eyes at him. It was just our little banter that I was starting to enjoy.

"Ok Nickelos," I responded only to receive a growl in return. I didn't know how they did that but he wasn't the first one to growl at me. It was weird but reassuring at the same time.

After I ate more than my share I could feel some of the energy I have been lacking come back. When I went upstairs to retrieve my backpack I was almost walking at my usual pace. The day was already starting to look brighter.

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