Chapter 33

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May 17, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

I dove at him with my fist pulled back hitting him square in the face. The satisfying crunch of bone as his nose broke was not even close to satisfying my rage. I punched, kicked, elbowed and kneed him until I found myself straddling his waist and still punching one fist after another connecting with his face.

I didn't feel the hands wrapped around both of my arms till I was lifted off the bloody Jenson and was dragged back to where I started. I watched with satisfaction that he needed help to get off the floor. I was breathing heavy but no longer struggling against the hands that held me back. "You know what Jenson?" I said in between laboured breaths. "You want to play your little games? That's fine baby. Game fucking on! Payback is a bitch!" I knew the smile on my face was not a nice one. Let's see how he likes the pain.

The look of shock was replaced with fear then anger. "You are mine!" he roared. "Only mine! No one will come near you and if they do I will kill them!" Jenson was the one now screaming.

I laughed without humor. "Well I guess you should have thought of that before. Maybe you will remember that when you start to feel that burn rise in your chest right before you want to scream when you feel like you are being ripped in half. Just remember when you feel that I will be letting that guy fuck me HARD!"

His whole body started to shake with rage before I was halfway done my speech. I don't know when the hands that held me back disappeared but I realized they were gone the second Jenson started to charge for me. Death, my death was clear in his eyes. The only thing that stopped him was Corey. He still stood between us. Corey tackled Jenson to the ground right before he was tossed back another 10 feet. I didn't have time to really take in what happened next because a sharp pain exploded through my stomach a second before shooting through my whole body. It happened so fast I didn't have time to take a breath. I fell to my knees and curled up in myself.

"TONY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. No, I don't know why I called out to him instead of wordlessly screaming. I screamed again till I had no more breath to use. I barely registered the hand on my back rubbing circles which only caused me more pain. I didn't register the words to tell me to breathe. I didn't comprehend the voice telling me it would be over soon. ALL I could do was feel the pain that was 10 times worse then what I went through all those times Jenson had fucked another whore those past two weeks.

It wasn't so much that I heard the panic in the voices of the others but I felt it. I could hear screams over mine but only made out a few things. Get Alpha. Killing them both. Shifting. Don't die. I think the last was whispered to me. More reassuring whispers were said but I no longer comprehended what was being said. My body felt like it was being ripped in a thousand different pieces. With every bone I felt snap I would scream louder. Soon I had nothing left to scream but that didn't stop the assault on my body. I tried to stay curled in a ball but my legs and arms moved on their own. My body shook violently. It felt like I was having a seizure. I couldn't control my movements.

One second I couldn't make out any sounds around me then the next everything was too loud. I wanted to scream at them all to shut up but had no breath left in me to make a sound. Slowly the pain started to fade. My body hurt so bad but even that started to dissipate to an ach. I was breathing heavy with my eyes still squeezed tight as I laid on my side. That was when everything became silent. I could hear a steady beat and breathing but nothing else. I focused on that steady beat and willed myself to slow my breathing. I willed myself to relax. I don't know how long it took but when the ach of my body became that familiar burn and not the one that would tear my body to pieces I forced my eyes open.

I had to blink several times because they weren't working right. Everything seemed dim but precise. I blinked a few more times. It wasn't dim but more lack of colour. Everything was in shades of grey but at the same time I could see more clearly. I could see M1 and Corey standing in front of me but around 8 feet away. They gave nothing away on their face but there was this horrific sweet smell that corrupted the room. I sneezed and felt my eyes widen. It didn't feel right. I didn't feel right.

I brought my hand up to rub my nose but there was no hand and not my nose. It was a paw and snot. What the fuck? I whimpered in confusion. Wait. What? Whimpered? "Is she ok?" As soon as I heard that voice everything turned as red as blood. The anger that shot through my body was 10 times stronger than I had ever felt. I knew it wasn't just my anger. I could feel her now. My wolf. It was her anger mixed with mine and all she could think about was blood. HIS blood.

I had absolutely no control over my body. I had no control over my thoughts. My mind. It felt like I was locked in a cage screaming to get out but nobody could hear me. Now this time I had never in my life been more scared. I knew what she was thinking. I knew what she was feeling. I felt every heartache she had felt. Every pain that we both felt. I felt the earth shattering pain that she felt because of what our mate had done to us. I saw in our mind what she was going to do. What she thought she had to do. No matter how loud I screamed she wouldn't listen.

I was a spectator  in my own body. Well I guess my wolves body since I was standing on all fours. I could see her stare him down through our eyes. I could feel our chest rattle as the growl grew and grew. She didn't care who was in the way of her prey. She would do anything to get what she needed. And that was to kill our mate. To kill Jenson.

I heard the others yelling at me but they didn't know I could hear them. I just couldn't respond. I did not want this but I had no choice since I was just a passenger locked in a cage. Every step she made the voices were telling someone to get my mate to leave but he didn't. He stood there unmoving, his eyes locked to ours. I could see so many emotions flash through his eyes. Sorrow, regret, fear, pain, and the last was love. My wolf saw none of that. All she knew was pain and there was only one way to stop the pain. By killing Jenson.

I was not sure what happened but the split second that Corey and M1 got distracted I lunged. My wolf was going straight for the kill. His throat. We were so close one second than he was gone the next and I was on my side. A sharp pain stabbed me in my chest. We howled so long and loud. We thought we were dying but then it all stopped. We felt empty right before everything went black.


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