Chapter 24

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May 17, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

Uncle Thomas had requested my presence in the office in one hour. What I got out of that was get your ass out of bed and down to the office and don't be late. I didn't want to go. I felt better but still felt like shit. I woke up again from my nap with the feeling of my chest being ripped in half,. I was so exhausted that I wasn't sure I could hold the scream of pain in much longer but fortunately it didn't seem to last as long as the other times. This flu was kicking my ass and the bruises around my ribs and back were not healing as fast as they used to.

Deciding against another shower even though I woke from my nap in a pile of sweat. I said screw it to a bra or sports bra since it would just irritate the bruising so I pulled on my ex's sweatshirt and jogging pants that he generously left at my aunts on our last extreme work out session. I smiled a bit remembering that day. Things were getting a little rough, not that I minded. Actually I preferred it usually but things were just getting increasingly rougher that it was borderline enjoyable. Anyways my aunt just got home and he had to quickly leave from my window in his boxers and work boots. Thankfully it wasn't that cold out. We both got what we wanted so anything that happened after I didn't care. I had already told him that it was the last time. Deep down I knew what we were doing was wrong. What he wanted to do was getting out of control and it wasn't feeling good anymore or helping release my pent up pain and anger. It was mostly just receiving pain now and leaving me unsatisfied. I knew that sex should be more and deep down I wanted more but I was confused. My body was confused. I was done with it all. The sex wasn't giving me what I needed anymore so I went back to being me. Bitchy and fighting anyone who got in my way.

Not bothering with shoes I slipped on a pair of socks and trudged down the stairs. Reaching the door I knocked and waited. Uncle Thomas opened the door moving a step to the side to let me enter. Walking in reminded me of the second day I was here and the first and only time I walked into the office. Alexander was sitting at his desk. Uncle Thomas walked over to the right side and stood in the corner after he shut the door. Brad looked as relaxed as ever on the couch. He just over all had that laid back look but he never fooled me. This time M1 was standing facing Alexander by the chairs in front of his desk and Nick stood beside him on the other side of the chair. I would have loved to stand with this many people standing but if I tried I would probably ended up sprawled on the floor when my legs gave out. Plus M1 was here and I knew I could trust him. I moved to the chair he was closest to and practically flopped down on it. "Is this going to take long? I would really like to go back to bed and get over this stupid flu." Shit I hope I didn't sound rude. The last thing I wanted right now was a lecture.

"Not too long," Alpha Alexander said with a smile. "What we want to discuss with you may help you understand some things you may have questioned and at the very least help you understand what is happening to you now."

I felt M1 and Nick move closer. If it wouldn't have taken so much energy I would have looked at them to see what they wanted. Instead I did the only thing I could, ignore them. Not having a clue where this was going and too damn tired to ask questions I kept things simple and nodded. The sooner we were done the sooner I could climb back in bed.

"Instead of beating around the bush I am just going to be blunt. I have a feeling you would prefer that anyways." Alpha Alexander stated. I returned his smile with my own. I liked getting straight to the point. I will be there soon my sweat bed! "This...compound where we live is more than just that. It is my pack. I am the Alpha. Your Uncle Thomas is the Beta and Brad over here is the Gamma." Did I just hear him right? Did I get shipped off halfway across the country to get stuck in a fuckn cult? Of course I did. Just my luck. I giggled in my head. "Your father was born and raised here until he met your mother and decided he wanted a normal human life to be with her and raise you. That makes you different. We all knew immediately that you were one of us and less like your mother." Seriously what did I do to deserve this kinda karma? I think I am losing my mind. Ok Mac keep it together. A few more minutes and I will be back where the good sexy dreams waited for me. Damn that was all I needed. More sex on the brain.

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