Chapter 7

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May 15, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

The halls were pretty filled by now and everyone was staring. Being a new kid in school always added attention but being a new kid in a small school added more looks, whispers and glares. I did notice a few kids that I spotted around the house yesterday but they ignored me and huddled in their groups. I was completely fine with that.

Math class went by quickly with the exception of doing the whole introducing myself in front of the class. Why did teachers get off on that? Mr. Arnold, my math teacher, must have been bored because not only did I have to stand up and tell everyone who I was, he also made each student do the same. It was a complete utter waste of time. Not even 5 minutes later I didn't remember one name but it wasn't like I even tried to pay attention. I just hoped that this little scene would not replay itself in my other classes. Now I sat in Mrs. Smith's history class. She took a moment to introduce me herself then headed straight into a synopsis on what we would be learning this semester. Once again I paid little attention. The stares and murmurs from the other classmates were spreading my patience thin. I was so attempted to turn around and scream 'boo' just to see if they jumped or peed their pants. Yes the tension was growing that thick.

I wasn't sure if I was happy it was lunch or dreaded it. This morning I found an envelope with some money in it with a note for Uncle Thomas stating the money was for lunch this week and hoped I had a great first day. At first I was a little miffed. I don't like being treated as a charity case but I knew deep down he was just trying to help me. It was a nice gesture, I just took most things the wrong way. If I had the time to eat a proper breakfast I would have skipped lunch but I was starved so I headed to the cafeteria. I held in a groan as soon as I stepped through the doors. It was already packed and loud. Hesitating for a minute to get a quick look around the first thing I saw was Nick sitting at the table with the skanks and jocks. No real surprise there. At least I know I could avoid that area pretty well. The second was the lineup for the food. It was long but seemed to be moving pretty fast. Turning the direction to the food I stood in line but kept my attention to my surroundings. I seemed to luck out because right after the food line ended was a set of double glass doors that headed outside where there were tables and chairs as well as a few unoccupied trees. A perfect spot for a few minutes of quiet and to eat in peace.

As I glanced around while I waited in line I noticed Nick and his little crew grow quiet with a few holding back snickers. I already knew what was probably going to happen. I have seen this far too often. There was a guy about my height carrying a tray of food while pushing up his glasses to sit firmly on the bridge of his nose. From where I stood I could see his soft brown hair that was in need of a cut soon, his well pressed clothes (not designer but nice) and his complete lack of self preservation. A small part of me wanted to yell at him to move but the bigger part just shook my head and watched what was about to happen. Why couldn't people be more aware of their surroundings especially around people like Nick?

As soon as the kid reached Nick his foot shot out catching the kids foot unaware. The next thing the poor kid was sprawled out on the floor face first with his tray of food scattered in front of him. Of course Nick and his groupies roared with laughter while the kid stumbled to his feet and picked up what was salvageable to still consume. Just watching had me seeing red. I am far from being anyone's saviour and I had no intentions on starting now but I so badly wanted to put my steel toe boot in Nick's face. The guy was a complete asshole. Plus I despised bullies.

While thoughts ran through my mind on all the nasty things I would like to do to Nick I quickly found my way to the front of the line. Grabbing a slice of pizza, a juice and an apple I had paid and was out the glass door a couple minutes later. Finding an unoccupied tree I sat and enjoyed my food leaving all thoughts about that poor kid and Nick behind.

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