Chapter 31

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May 18, 2020 edited

Better but not perfect...No plot changes

The next day I really didn't want to go to school but I refused to hide out. I even got up early for my morning run. I have let too many people control what I did and how I felt and that had to stop. So what that they all knew about my past? No big deal, we all had a past. I wasn't that person anymore. It was the past and it was going to stay that way. I didn't care what these people thought about me. I didn't care what Jenson thought about me. Even just thinking his name had my chest tighten up.

    Since I woke up earlier than I planned I decided to do my morning run alone. It would be the first time since I stepped foot in this house. So many things have changed since I have been here. I have changed since I have been here even though they may not think I have. I have had more happy days here than I have had in years. The problem with that was it was making me weak. Before I got here if anyone would have talked to me like Jenson did I would have killed them. Maybe not literally but then again who knows. There was no way I would have just stood there and let that all happen. I was mad at myself for letting that happen.

    While I was cursing myself out it took me till I started to run back to the house to realize I was being followed. Deep down I think I caught on before but I ignored them. I knew it was someone from the house. I knew they were in their wolf form. I knew they were staying hidden but at the same time not trying too hard to hide. I also knew whoever it was held power. I could feel it wrap around my body comforting me. After a couple weeks of being here I started to feel weird sensations around people but it wasn't till I found out who and what they were that I understood what I was feeling. It wasn't so much as an unpleasant feeling I felt even though it felt like the air was thicker when certain people were around. For example around Alexander it was the strongest. So I came to the conclusion the stronger the wolf the thicker the air felt. That was what I was getting now but I also knew it wasn't someone I knew well but at the same time felt familiar.

    When I hit the tree line on the gravel road in front of the house I stopped and spun around to look in the direction I could feel eyes on me. With my hands on my hips I waited. Not too soon after a huge black wolf walked out between two trees. He was bigger than M1 by at least 6 inches if not more. Any normal person or wolf should have been scared but me being me I was just annoyed.

    "Listen up so I don't have to repeat myself. Leave me the fuck alone and go stalk someone else!" I stared at the unknown wolf a little longer before spinning around and headed for the house where I was greeted by tension.

    Oh I could hear people talking about but the tension was so high that everyone seemed to scatter. It was not what I expected. After my shower I headed downstairs with my backpack over my shoulder things still were too quiet. The ladies that usually made breakfast were there but stayed silent. The kids walked into the dining hall with their heads down without speaking. It was almost eerie. Even a couple of Nick's friends who were always loud and obnoxious walked silently. I so badly wanted to ask what was going on but I didn't. I had nothing to say even though my curiosity was peaked. I highly doubted this had anything to do with me. Why would my past have this kind of impact? It wouldn't. That I was sure of.

    When I was done eating I did my usual clean up then walked outside. M1 was in his usual spot and looked the same. That was a bit of a relief. Jumping in the car we did our comfortable silence thing, which I was even more grateful for. I figured if he was acting normal then I didn't care about anything else. Well that was till we got to school and he informed me that someone else would be picking me up. He has driven me everyday except for once. Now I was nervous but I still kept my mouth shut. If it was my business then he would tell me. Plus, I had other things I had to worry about. Like my future.

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