Chapter 5

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May 14, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

After my shower I slipped into a pair of black ripped up skinny jeans, a red fitted tank top and a black and red plaid button down which I left undone. Taking one last look at myself I decided to let my golden brown hair down and air dry. I needed a cut soon since it was reaching further then halfway down my back. Long hair was never a good thing in a fight. It gave your opponent something to grab onto. My face was still a little flush but my blue eyes seemed a little brighter. They seemed to do that when I fought and stayed that way for a while after words. My face was clean of makeup but I barely ever wore any to begin with. I was blessed with my dad's long eyelashes and from what he said her creamy perfect complexion. Slipping on my well used steel toe boots and I was ready for lunch. I took my time to avoid the massive amount of people that I started to spot when I was heading to my room earlier. I don't do crowds. I had to deal with them at school and that was bad enough. Much to my surprise I found a plate with a mound of food on the island with a note to me. Lola either figured out I did not like people or at least not comfortable with them yet and set a food aside for me to eat in the kitchen. I was extremely thankful for that and decided I would seek her out later and say thank you. Damn woman was already making me do things I didn't usually do. The feelings that stirred in me when it came to her already confused me and pissed me off. I took that aggression out on my food. If I slowed down I knew I would have really enjoyed the lasagna but I was too busy having an internal argument with myself.

Battling with myself and ignoring the muffled laughter and voices I didn't notice when my uncle entered the room. "How was your morning?" He asked as he stepped up to the counter pouring himself a cup of coffee. I never acquired a taste for the stuff.

"Fine." I answered. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Follow me," he said. I picked up my plate and brought it to the sink. Rinsed it off and placed it in the dishwasher. Sure I may be an antisocial bitch but I always cleaned up after myself. It was not anyone else's job to take care of me but my own. I had been doing it for years now and I wasn't going to change.

I followed him out of the kitchen past the stairs and down the hall. He knocked on a door once then walked in. When we were inside the room I spotted a man sitting behind the desk, another sitting on a couch and M1 resting against the wall looking out the window.

"Have a seat," Uncle Thomas said pointing to a chair that sat in front of the desk. "This is Alexander, he is the head of our community." The man that sat at the desk was probably in his late 30's. Really attractive for an older man. His emerald green eyes held so much power and knowledge. His black hair was cut in a professional cut with no hint of grey. His features were sharp but beautiful. This man was power and I had a feeling he threw that power around when ever he damn well wanted to. If it wasn't for the soft welcoming smile I would have had all my defenses up. As it was I was ready to run just in case. I wasn't that stupid to think I could take on this man or even be able to defend myself enough to escape. No, with a man like that you just ran and never looked back.

On the couch sat another man that seemed to hold power as well but not like Alexander but still enough to be extremely cautious around. He sat on the couch in a relaxed state with his jean clad legs spread apart and his crisp black button down shirt fitting snugly around his well built and defined body. His pale green eyes looked friendly but I wasn't fooled, no this man was a fighter. Maybe the scar that started at his brow and swooped down towards his jaw gave that away. His messy blonde hair and long eyelashes that framed soft wide eyes gave the impression of a soft loving man but I knew better. I could see the cold calculating thoughts running through his mind. I knew he would do anything he had to do and have little regrets afterward.

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