Chapter 6

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May 15, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

As promised, M1 was waiting at my door ready for my morning run. I was kinda happy I cut it down from my usual hour run down to 40 minutes. I was pushing time for school. So I either had to wake up 30 minutes earlier or cut my run down to 40 minutes in the morning. I decided to wait to see how the new training went and spend more time at night working out instead. I guess I would just see how I felt after a week.

Since I was running late I just grabbed a couple power bars and a bottle of water on my way out the door. So far the only thing going right was the sleep I had last night. I ended up out cold by 10pm and slept right through. It had been months since I had slept that good. Last night when I finally made it up to my room I noticed a new backpack and a bunch of school supplies. I would have been more grateful but it was the fact that someone was in my room without permission that pissed me off even more. I had to see if I could get a key for my door and soon. Sure I could lock it from the inside but that didn't stop people from entering when I wasn't there. I had a feeling that these people would be ignoring my personal space whenever they saw fit to do so.

"Ready?" M1 asked me as soon as I stepped outside. He was waiting beside the same black SUV that he picked me up from the airport in.

"Who was in my room?" I asked instead.

He looked at me with his own question before some kind of realization hit. "Oh probably Lola. I knew she had some school supplies she wanted to make sure you had enough.

I just sighed. For some reason knowing it was only her I couldn't stay angry. She was just that kinda sweet person that you can't stay mad at for long if at all. M1 had already opened the passenger door for me so I walked over to the SUV and jumped in while he looked over what I was wearing. Of course he didn't seem to approve of my wardrobe choice. First he wasn't happy with my workout gear which consisted of short spandex shorts and a sports bra and now he looked just as annoyed with my ripped up denim skinny jeans, white fitted tank and a black button down with my steel toe boots. I had a feeling he was one of those guys that thought girls should be covered up but still looked feminine. Like seriously he looked like he may be 25 years old but I doubted he was even that old.

We drove in silence but that was probably due to the fact I put my earbuds in and turned on my ipod letting the music settle my nerves. I really hated starting a new school. Hell it took me a year to finally be comfortable with the first high school and believe me that was a tough year and I was never really comfortable. The ride was quick and before I knew it we were pulling into the school parking lot. Looking down at the clock on the dashboard it showed the drive took 13 minutes.

The first thing I noticed were the vehicles, at least 80 percent were newer and the other 20 percent were maybe 10 years old. This was so different then I was used to. My old school was on the rougher side. The only ones who had the nice cars were the drug dealers and the odd jock. Fights were not so much the norm there on a daily basis but more on a weekly one. Just from a quick look around the parking lot it seemed more like a high end snobby school then the lower side of a middle class school. I was going to stick out like a sore thumb.

Before I even stepped out of the SUV I spotted the jocks, scanks, who seemed to be the popular crowd sitting around a couple picnic tables. The nerds were all huddled under a huge oak tree and average kids that either tried to stay out of clicks or just couldn't seem to get their way in with the popular kids milled about. What I didn't see were the rebellious kids. The ones who the other kids usually tried to avoid. The ones the nerds and shy kids would skitter to the other side of the hall and the ones the popular kids would whisper about but never say anything to their face. The kids that would never really bullied, accept with the odd passing comment but ignored everyone in their path. Great, it looked like I was on my own. Not that I wasn't usually anyways but there was always that small feeling of kinship among them.

I sighed again. This was going to suck big ones. "Fuck my life," I mumbled to myself. I just hoped that everyone left me alone so I could keep to myself and possibly go a month without being dragged into a fight or at the very least into the principal's office. My gut was telling me that this task was going to be hard. If not impossible.

"Come on Mac let's get you inside," M1 said as he opened the door and jumped out.

"What?!" I scrambled out my side after him. "Seriously M1 I can find my way to the office by myself. It has been years since I needed a babysitter."

"My name is Tony," he growled.

I had to admit irritating him was the highlight of my day so far. I smirked and said, "Nah I like M1 better." Before I could argue anymore about heading off to school by myself Tony had already passed me. Instead of causing a bigger scene before I even made it in the school I followed him in a huff. The office wasn't too far into the building. With me still hot on M1's heals he opened the door and was immediately greeted by an older plump woman, who I was assuming, was the head secretary.

"Tony! It is so good to see you again dear. How are you?" The secretary who wore way too much makeup said.

"I'm good Mrs. Jones. Looking as beautiful as ever I see," M1 said, giving Mrs. Jones a dazzling smile. Damn kiss ass.

Mrs. Jones actually giggled. I don't think I had ever seen someone hitting almost 60 years old giggle before. "I am here to bring in a new student. This is Mackenzie Stevens. Mac this is the world's most amazing student faculty member Mrs. Jones." M1 introduced, while Mrs. Jones turned a nice shade of pink from either embarrassment or glee.

"Perfect! Here you go dear. In the folder is your schedule, rules, a map of the school, and this month's school letter. If you need anything don't be shy and come talk to me." Mrs. Jones passed me the folder only giving me a moment of her time before gushing over M1 again. I was tempted to roll my eyes but the less attention on me the better.

"Thanks Mrs. J. If you don't mind, I will give Mac here a quick tour since we have a few minutes. This way she won't get lost." M1 said as he started back out of the office with me in tow. Giving a quick wave and we were out of the office.

"Seriously I am more than capable of finding my way around a 3 storey square box of a building." I huffed. From what I saw so far that was exactly what this school looked like. A square box.

This time he huffed. "How about you shut it and follow me. This way you may be able to make it to your classes on time without getting in shit your first week of school." He then continued to take the folder out of my hand to skim through it to find my schedule. "Math, history, lunch, science than phys-ed. All your classes are in the honours program and your phys-ed is co-ed. I am not sure that is the best idea." He mumbled the last.

"How old are you?" I blurted out. This guy acted more like a father than someone who may have been in high school a few years ago.

"Twenty two. Why?" He answered immediately before narrowing his eyes at me. It was kinda creepy that he seemed to understand when to be cautious around me. I wasn't used to people understanding the way my mind worked or at least when to be cautious. I didn't like it one bit.

"Just wondering." That was so not what I wanted to say but he expected something else like some crude remark so I bit my own tongue and answered his question vaguely.

Thrusting the school map into my hands he grumbled something and told me to follow. It took a lot of willpower to keep my mouth shut and do actually what he wanted and what I didn't. So I followed him like a good little girl.

First finding my locker then showing me the quickest routes to all my classes we were back in front of the office in 20 minutes. I was right. It was a simple square building with the cafeteria on the main floor and the gymnasium in the basement. With a mumbled "behave" from M1 as he walked back out of the building, leaving me 5 minutes to reach my first class.

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