Chapter 10

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May 15, 2020 edited 

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

The next couple of hours flew by. I got my homework done, ate a small dinner since I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up throwing up after my training. I had a strong suspicion M1 would be working me all that much harder to get me to quit so I wouldn't want to do this anymore. He was in for one hell of surprise. By 6:45 I was in the training center with my music pumping and hands taped. No one was in there once again so I concentrated on my music as I picked up a skipping rope and started my warm up.

Seven o'clock sharp M1 walked in with Nick on his heels. I walked over to turn down the loud roar of my music to a more reasonable volume. I worked better with music playing. "Were you even born when this was popular?" The song was from Metallica. "Nevermind. Nick is here so you will spare with him so I can see what you know from a third party point of view. That way I will know where to start." M1 announced. He stood there with his arms crossed standing in a white T-shirt that strained over his muscles and a nicely fit pair of jeans. Now where Nick held smugness and attitude M1 held confidence. It was a confidence that tipped the scale of him being attractive to yummy. His dark brown sunkissed hair was brushed back in an easy style where his soft brown eyes were calculating. Even with his size I suspected he could move like water.

I guess I starred a little too long since it took someone to clear their throat to grab my attention. Shifting my eyes to Nick, who now stood there shirtless with a pair of walking shorts hanging low on his hips. His golden tan chest was smooth but defined. Traveling lower to his strong six pack which lead to a trail of soft hair moving lower to disappear under his shorts. Yeah he was hot alright. A smirk grew on his face as he watched me check him out. I was just happy that it took a lot for me to blush. I got control of that a couple years ago.

I hung up the rope I was using and slipped off the oversized T-shirt I had on, leaving me once again in a pair of spandex short shorts and a sports bra. M1 growled. "What do you have against wearing clothes?" It was really starting to bother me the way he looked disapproving on what I wore. It was that knowledge that pissed me off more.

"The less clothes and the tighter the clothes gives your opponent less chance to use it against you. Get over it!" I snapped. I don't know why I felt the need to explain myself to him but it was always there.

This time he really looked at me as if he was looking through me. It was unnerving. "How often do you find yourself fighting? And why?" He asked, generally confused.

"Can we just get on with it?" I snapped, ignoring his questions. Why I fought was none of his business.

After a minute of no one moving or speaking I was about to scream at them both but M1 finally spoke up. "Don't pull back your punches. Nick knows what he is doing. Nick, just offence right now. I will tell you when to change it up." M1 said before he said, "Begin."

For the next forty five minutes I did what M1 told me to do. I attacked and did not hold back. I was actually impressed that Nick was able to counter most of my moves even if they were just by a fraction. The familiar burn rushed through my body as sweat dripped down my spine. When M1 said it was time for me to be on the receiving end I was tired. I was actually happy to see Nick's smirk and hear him call me Love and Doll because it helped me fuel my anger which gave me strength. At first I was annoyed he was pulling his punches but after another 3 minutes I was secretly grateful. He was strong and could really fight. I wasn't stupid enough to think I could easily take him on, well not any more. His hits were hard and I haven't even felt his full on hits yet.

It just proved to me that the first day we met he could have easily slipped out of my hold when I had him against the wall. It was either the surprise he had when I first did it or he knew how to play it down. I think it was more the latter. In the last couple of minutes I let my guard down twice. One that ended up with a kick to my thigh and another a punch to my upper arm. I knew I should have called it then, I was getting really sloppy but I was too damn stubborn. It was the last punch that came flying at my face, I was too exhausted and sore to defend myself fast enough. One second I was on my feet and the next flat on my back seeing black orbs in my vision. I was so out of it that the pain didn't register yet.

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