Chapter 20

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Mat 16, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

When the bell rang I quickly left the science room. Even with just a brief scan of the halls I was a bit surprised, relieved and unfortunately disappointed not to see Nick. He has been outside the science room everyday for a couple of weeks now. He never spoke to me but was always there to watch. Maybe he was taking my words more seriously now. That thought had me feel a twinge of guilt but pushed it aside. The real test was my next class where we all had the same class. I couldn't even imagine what was about to happen.

Not wasting any time and wanting to get this done and over with I made it to the change room and slipped on the school uniform in record time. I made it out to the gym before Nick and Jenson. I noticed Jason already sitting on the bleachers with some of the other students. After a small internal debate I let out a sigh then headed his way. I figured that I just made his life even more than the living hell it was before or just made things a lot easier for the guy. No matter what it was now it was my responsibility to make sure they left him alone. Anything that happened from now on was most likely my fault after today.

Jason looked a little surprised when I sat beside him but said nothing. I was thankful for that, once again. To be honest it was nice not sitting by myself all the time and as long as he didn't find the need to chat that was all the better. Not too soon after Jenson and his lost puppies strutted out of the change room with smiles on their faces. That was till Jenson spotted me then the anger came back. One good thing was that it was aimed more at me than Jason who sat beside me with tension rising as soon as he heard their voices.

I turned my head and focused on the coach. "Ok listen up!" He then blew that damn whistle that seemed to shoot through my brain. "We are changing things up a bit today. Jenson. Drew. Up front and center. These two are going to be today's soccer captains. After your name is called go to the team you were picked from then we will head outside and start the game."

I didn't mind soccer at all. I was pretty decent at the game. I started to look forward to the game until I saw the identical smirks on Jenson and Drew's face. Either they were excited about the challenge or had something else in mind. Dammit, I had to stop being so paranoid! It's not like they would start something in front of the coach. I relaxed a brief moment before I remembered the first day in gym where Drew shoved Jason on the track and when I did a little pay back or you could think of it as a little karma and "accidentally" tripped Drew.

As the thoughts flew around in my head I found that half the class was already chosen for their team. "Jason," Jenson called. I was a bit relieved. You couldn't attack your own team mate without looking like a real ass. "Mac," Drew called on me. Why didn't it surprise me that we ended up on opposite teams. I got up looking not too enthused as I walked over to my side of the team.

"I know you can run but can you play?" Someone said beside me.

I was going to ignore them but I realized he was talking to me. I had seen him around Nick and Jenson before but he never really seemed to be a part of the group. Now if I could remember his name. "Yeah. I'm decent." It was a simple question so I answered.

"Cool. Oh I'm James." He held out his hand.

I hesitated and just looked at him. Why was he talking to me? Especially now after what happened in the cafeteria. Knowing I really had to relax a bit if I was going to make it in with these people till my birthday I reached out my hand to his and shook. "Mac." I am pretty sure I surprised him but he hid it well with a nice smile.

"Let's move it!" The coach yelled then blew that damn whistle. Again.

"I am going to shove that damn whistle down his throat the day I leave this place," I mumbled to myself but I guess James heard since he chuckled as we followed our teams out to the field.

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