Chapter 32

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May 17, 2020 edited

Better but not perfect...No plot changes

It has been almost 2 hours since the pain has subsided. Three hours since the first twinge of pain started that ended up blossoming to an excuating fire that wanted to rip my chest in two. It has been one hour since the faded purple bruises turned blackish blue again and covered my ribs and half my back. I was exhausted physically again. Scared out of my mind because I didn't know what it was and pissed as all hell with the confusing thoughts and feelings I have been struggling with. I lucked out with Corey though. M1 messaged me and said that he needed Corey so he had to postpone our little get together till tomorrow.

With my emotions on over load and beginning to piss me off and not to mention scare me enough that it was really fucking with my sleep. The pain I was going through also didn't help with that one. Yes, my body hurt but I needed to do something. I needed to feel in control. Usually after 10 at night the training center was pretty much empty so I decided to head over and use the last of my energy on something useful. Taking out my aggressions on a non-animate object.

My tunes blaring while I took out my aggression out on a punching bag. It has only been 15 minutes and I was already exhausted. The one thing I did know was that I couldn't live too much longer with this. I needed help and soon. If I was to survive this transition then I need to get this fix, whatever this was. I honestly did not want to die. I may act like I didn't care but I was scared shitless.

In my own thoughts I jumped when the music was suddenly turned off. "What the hell are you doing out here this late!" I swear I didn't need a boyfriend or father because I had an M1 who acted like both. Before I could snap at him and tell him to leave me alone he started to freak out. "What the fuck is that? Who did that to you? Shit Mac you look terrible."

Once again before I could respond the door flew open. I swear what is with these people not letting me say a goddamn word without being interrupted!

"What the fuck is going on out here? Don't you know people are trying to sleep!" And here came Mr. Douchebag himself, Jenson. Oh but you can never forget his followers. I swear he barely went anywhere without Nick in tow and lucky me there were a few others following him. Ok that wasn't fair to Nick. I knew they weren't together as much lately. Still I had another fucking audience. And here I thought it was my lucky day since I hadn't seen him since the scene in the kitchen yesterday.

Beside M1 was Corey. I didn't see him at first. They were both staring at me in horror as their eyes stayed glued on my midsection. I was stupid for thinking no one would show up. It has been awhile since I have not worn a t-shirt while I was working out. I didn't want M1 to see them and cancel a training session.

Nick said "shit" and a couple others hissed all while staring at my very visible bruised ribs. I didn't catch anything else that was said but I barely noticed much besides Jenson being in the room.

Jenson stared down at me. First fury filled his face then it quickly turned into guilt right before sliding into an emotionless state. I didn't have time to think about anything because Corey was at my side. "When did you get these?" he asked as his hand gently touched my side.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" Jenson roarded but Corey ignored him. He knelt down with his hands on both of my sides slowly moving his fingers over my bruised ribs. His touch seemed to lessen some of the pain. "GET YOU HANDS OFF OF WHAT IS MINE!"

All our heads snapped to Jenson. The growl that erupted from his lips was out right scarey. I had never heard anything like it. I didn't know what to say or do but M1 had little problems in that department. He was about to lose his shit. I have never been scared of M1 but I was now.

"YOU!" He screamed. At first I thought he was yelling at me but when I took my eyes off Jenson I saw M1 staring at Jenson with murderous eyes. "You piece of shit! You did this! I knew you were her..." M1 was cut off by a threatening growl.

Corey let out a humorless laugh out as he stood slowly. "I think the word you are looking for Tony is 'mate'. My little cousin is Mac's mate."

I was beyond speechless. So many things flew through my head. Everything M1 told me about mates...well it didn't make sense. Not the way Jenson treated me anyways. But when I look back at everything that I was dealing with it did make some sense. The way I always had an urge to touch him. How his words would hurt me like no others could. How I could feel when he was close by. But if I was feeling all that then why did he hate me so much? I was just so confused. They had to be wrong. There was no other explanation.

"Tell her right now or I will!" M1 threatened Jenson as I stood there shocked and confused.

"Remember your place!" Jenson growled.

"I know my place! Do YOU know YOURS!" M1 roared. I have never seen him this pissed and believe me I had seen him mad and I was usually on the receiving end of his anger. If I wasn't so numb right at that moment I probably would have ran out the door.

Everything was deathly still. While Jenson and M1 stared down at each other I noticed Nick looked a little ill and a couple of the guys that stood behind Jenson looked a little disgusted and Corey took a step in front of me. Not blocking my view but almost in a protective stance. Now I was getting annoyed as the seconds ticked by.

The silence and growing tension had me snap. "One of you tell me what the fuck is going on! NOW!" I screamed.

M1 continued to stare down Jenson but spoke between gritted teeth. "When you find your mate the bond automatically grows unless you reject each other. The bond, unfortunately, is still there but you are able to move on with your life without physically hurting the other. BUT if there is no rejection or if the rejection is denied then every time one of the mated pair..." Jenson's growls were increasing. Nick had now moved away from Jenson and started to move towards me while two of the other guys just shook their head and moved away from Jenson but farther into the building. "Has sex the other ends up paying the price. The pain is almost unbearable as it feels like their chest is being eaten up by fire and ends up leaving bruises on their chest and can move their way down their ribs and sides."

I was listening but not comprehending. I went over the information a few times in my head while starting down at the ground. When I looked up I saw the pain and pity in Nick's eyes right before I saw the guilt in Jenson's. He was the reason I had to fight from screaming out in pain the past couple of weeks? He was the reason I was covered in painful bruises? He was the reason I had been so exhausted that sometimes walking down to breakfast would end up with me out of breath? He was sleeping with who knows what slut and all the time he knew what was happening to me. That was what hurt the most. He knew what pain he was causing me and didn't care. He knew if he just rejected me I would not have been suffering. He damn well knew I would have accepted his rejection. I felt what was left of my heart crumble. It was a staggering feeling.

"You did this to me? You knew about the pain?" He didn't have to answer me; the guilt screaming from his eyes was enough. "You knew and still didn't reject me even though all those fucking whores meant more to you then saying a few simple words to me!" I started off sounding broken but now I was screaming. We had started about 20 feet apart but I somehow moved without realizing and was 5 feet away from him now. Corey was still beside me. "One fucking sentence was all it would have taken and this would have been over! Your fucking douchebag!" And that was when I completely lost my shit.

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