Chapter 28

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May 17, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes


Before I made it up to the Alpha's office I had already started to hear the rumors going around that we had a quest. It had been many years since Corey has come for a visit so most wouldn't remember him by his appearance or by his name. Some of the adults would but they did not spend a lot of time in the pack house. Alpha Alexander mind linked me a little while ago to meet up in his office for our next meeting since Corey had arrived an hour ago. I already knew that but kept my comments to myself. Shit, I think my little She Devil was starting to rub her lesser admirable qualities on me. So not good. This meeting was not about Mac, I was relieved. I was feeling a little edgy right now and if I had to defend Mac with someone I barely knew I wasn't sure how diplomatic I could be. This meeting was about the rogues and Corey's visit and possibly upcoming role. One of these issues was enough to handle at a time but no we had them all. Maybe I did have a right to feel a little aggravated right now. I sighed just thinking about all the upcoming shit fest that was about to hit the fan.

I had met Corey a couple times but that was before our first shift and he was a year or two older than I was so we never spoke to the other. I heard rumors on what happened with his fated mate but even though I kept that knowledge to myself I did not take it to heart until I knew the full truth. If the rumors were true...let's just say I was even more surprised that Alpha Alexander was even considering a Corey long term stay here nevermind giving him the Alpha position. And there was no way he was going anywhere near Mac, unless it was over my dead body. Dammit I needed to get better control over my thoughts! This was not like me at all. Sure I was a grumpy bastard but not angry and definitely not looking for a fight.

Now in front of the Alpha's door I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and out a few times to clear my head and slow my beating heart that started to race every time I thought about anyone hurting Mac. Since my presence was expected I knocked once when I was ready than entered. Being a high ranking member gave me a few privileges and that was one. It looked like I was the last one there. Even Jenson was present. I didn't even try to hide my shock but everyone just ignored it.

Everyone took their usual positions. The Alpha at his desk, Thomas to his right by the wall, Brad on the couch where Nick joined him. Jenson decided to put some distance between everyone and stood by the window looking through some folder. When he finally raised his head the first thing he did was shoot a glare at his cousin. I guess he was not happy he was here. He should have thought about that before.

"Corey, this is my head warrior Tony. Tony this is my nephew Corey," Alpha Alexander introduced us as I walked in.

"Good to see you again. Head Warrior? You've done well for yourself. Uncle here only gives titles to the best. Congratulations." Corey stood up from his chair that sat in front of the Alpha's desk.

"Thank you. It's good to see you too," I offered my hand and we shook before he sat back down and I took the seat beside him.

"Well since I know my son is wondering what this meeting is about since he has refused to attend the one we had earlier..." Alpha Alexander wasn't mixing his words tonight.

Jenson huffed. "I told you I want nothing to do with that..." he paused and looked at Thomas. I think he remembered who he was about to insult. "Her and her issues."

Corey's eyebrow raised in a question but no one explained. That was for a conversation later. One that was better if Jenson was not involved in. Also one he needed to be informed of if he decided to stick around. Our Alpha ignored his son and continued where he left off. "There are rumors of rogues increasing in activity but what is more disturbing is that they are working together. Not the usual small groups but as a pack. There have been sightings over the past month and a couple small attacks. A small pack was close to being wiped out. Lucky for them they shared a border with a larger pack that they allied themselves with. The ones who could escape retreated there. Unfortunately over ⅔ of their pack is gone. Approximately 60 wolves are left." Alpha Alexander paused to let this information sink in.

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