Chapter 12

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May 15, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

When I opened the door I was greeted with a lot of shouting coming from the room to the left. I was curious but it was really none of my business.

"Well where the fuck is she then?" I think that was my Uncle Thomas. "Who the fuck was supposed to drive her home?"

"She didn't say. All she told me was to tell Tony she had a ride home." That was Brad and I guess they were talking about me.

"Someone better tell me something and fast. Who does she talk to at school?" Uncle Thomas' voice was getting louder.

"No one. She doesn't talk to anyone. She avoided me like I was some kind of plague today," Nick sounded pissed about that but also confused.

Then there was me who stood at the door watching them all bicker and scream at each other for no reason at all since I was standing right there. It was the scene in front of me that captured my attention that I forgot to pay attention to who might be behind me. One second I was watching the chaos and the next I was flung against a wall with two very strong hands gripping my shoulders. "Where the fuck have you been!" M1 snarled, his face inches from mine.

The room that was beside us went deathly quiet before footsteps ran into the foyer where I was still pinned against the wall. I could see others rushing out but my full focus was on the soft brown eyes that used to hold warmth, even though they were always aware, turned ice cold. "Get. Your. Hands. Off. Me." I punched every word between gritted teeth. I did not like to be touched especially in anger. My body tensed ready to do whatever I needed to remove his hands but after a moment of hesitation he dropped his hands so fast as if my skin burnt him, but he did not step back.

I knew the crowd around us was growing but I didn't care and it seemed neither did M1 as we stared each other down with anger in our eyes letting the tension build and build. I vaguely heard someone repeatedly calling my name but I refused to acknowledge anyone with the main threat just inches from my face. When M1 quickly moved back a few feet I finally registered someone yelling at me.

"Mackenzie! You will not ignore me!" That was my uncle finally storming in between me and M1.

"What!" I snapped. There was no way I was able to be civilized at that moment, never mind speaking in a normal voice.

"Where the hell have you been?" Uncle Thomas had now blocked my view from M1 to meet his furious eyes with my own.

I was so tempted to tell him off but I bit my tongue and went with the truth. "I went to eat then walked home since my last class was cancelled. I don't see what is the problem!" Ok I tried, really tried, to calm my voice but I couldn't.

"You couldn't have called?! Or answer your damn phone?!" He was back to screaming again.

"With what fucking phone number? My Aunt? The one that changed her number the day after I left? A friend? Guess what, I don't have any of those. Yours? I don't remember you offering to give it to me! So tell me who the fuck was I supposed to call?!" Now I was screaming.

He flinched at the last comment but it didn't dampen his anger. "You haven't even been here a fucking week and had already caused problems. You weren't even here 5 minutes before you had a knife against someone's throat. Then you pushed someone else in your gym class and now look at you! Who the fuck were you fighting with now? How the fuck did you get that bruise on your face?" He was breathing hard as if trying to calm himself down. It wasn't working.

Yes, I did have a knife to Nick's throat but I told him not to touch me but he didn't listen. Yes, I did push that idiot but not till after he bullied a kid half his size. And the bruise is from training and not because I got in some hot tempered fight. I was livid and hurt. The anger I held onto like a vice grip in order to push the hurt down. He blamed me for everything and didn't even care why I reacted the way I did and didn't even care why I did the things I did. He just didn't care. But why would he no one else ever did. Well my dad before he changed but after that it was all about me being weak so he pushed and pushed so I wouldn't be. Unfortunately that lesson was learned a little too late.

I was the problem and no one else. I would have agreed most of the time but I was too hurt at the moment. I would never let him or anyone else see that hurt. Never again would I show anyone, especially these people my weakness. Never again would I ask for anything or accept their help.

I took a step away from the wall which brought me a foot closer to my uncle. "I turn 18 in two months and will be out of your hair right after. I will do my best not to inconvenience you till that time." My voice sounded dead and cold. I never heard my voice quite like that before. It scared the living crap out of me.

I took a step around my uncle who seemed to be frozen in place. My eyes scanned the room without really seeing anyone. As I took a step towards the stairs I heard a deep loud growl. It sounded like a wild animal. I stopped mid step.

"You are not going anywhere!" Someone across the foyer hissed. I didn't know who that was. The voice was new.

My head snapped to the door where I saw a well built guy with black hair and piercing emerald green eyes. When I met those eyes I couldn't see anything else but those eyes. Everything else faded. They looked vaguely familiar though but that was not what kept me from moving. It was like I couldn't move. His stare prevented my body from doing anything. When I didn't say anything, well more like nothing would come out of my mouth he repeated himself. "You are not going anywhere!" It was more the coldness of his eyes then his words that snapped me back into the here and now.

"And who the fuck are you? You know what I don't give a fuck." With that said I turned towards the stairs and ignored all the death rays I could feel on my back and took the stairs two at a time.

My ass I wasn't leaving. The day I turned 18 I was so out of here.

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