Chapter 25

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May 17, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

For the next couple of hours while I mopped in my room Nick tried to get me to open the door twice, Uncle Thomas came once, Lola tried to bribe me to open the door once with food and M1 came twice. I ignored them all. When I turned off the water in the shower I heard someone trying to beat down my door followed by an outraged male voice.

"Mac if you do not open this door I swear I will break it down!" M1 was screaming like a mad man while he pounded on my poor door.

"If you do you will see me naked!" I screamed back. A smile touched my lips when the banging abruptly stopped after the word naked.

I thought he left but I heard him starting to count down starting at 5. I was dumbfounded that he was actually counting down like you did for a misbehaved child. I had already slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and was debating whether or not to take them off when he hit 2 but instead I yelled, "Fuck! Give me a second. You impatient baboon," I muttered the last part under my breath.

"I heard that," he growled after I took a step to unlock the door. Once it was unlocked I walked away. He could open the damn door himself.

"What do you want?" I asked, losing all the fight in me.

M1 came in and shut the door. "We need to talk and you will shut up and listen. When I am done you can ask questions and speak but not until then," He forced out his words while standing in front of my bed where I sat with his arms crossed over his chest.

I said nothing but stared at him. He nodded. "First, I know you will make it through the transition. You are too fucking stubborn to die. Second, by letting one of us bite you we will connect you to our pack and will give you a better chance to control your wolf. Once again I think you are too damn stubborn to lose that battle as well. Third, you need to get your ass out of this room and eat! You need as much energy as you can get. SO start being that pain in the ass girl I first met and fucking fight!" M1 was yelling by the end.

I sat there speechless for a couple minutes before he barked out, "Fucking say something!" Which snapped me out of my own stupor.

"What are my real chances?" I asked. I hated that I sounded scared but I was.

M1 let out a breath and his shoulders relaxed a bit. "50/50. You have dealt with worse odds no doubt."

True. "What if I don't want to stay here?" Since my first week I had planned on leaving and those plans were still a good possibility.

The question took him back. "Why...why would you want to leave?" When I didn't answer he went on. "You would have to talk to Alpha Alexander first. But usually when a pack member wants to leave you have to partition for a transfer."

"Why can't I just go off by myself?" It was an honest question.

M1 face went hard, his eyes were cold. "First, you would be a rogue who would most likely be killed immediately if you are found on another pack's territory. Second, I would not allow that. And third, your wolf needs a pack. If you do not have one your wolf will start to take over your human self and most likely go mad. You would end up like your father on the best case scenario or out right mad and kill anything in your way. No pack will allow that to happen, especially being a she-wolf. Ever."

I had so many questions for those answers alone but what I asked was, "She-wolf?"

I guess with me not going off in a raging fit that I would have a week ago calmed him down. "If you are ready to listen to the rest I will explain. I will keep to the basics so I don't overwhelm you," he stated and took a seat on my bed. We were now sitting crossed legged in front of each other. Our knees just barely touching. It helped temper down my fear. Almost relaxing but not quite.

"Male wolves outnumber our females. We treasure them and it is in our nature to protect the weaker sex. Don't, just listen," he cut me off before I started to bitch about the weaker sex comment. "Trust me I know you are strong and will be able to protect yourself but that doesn't stop what is in our nature. Now our hearing is enhanced. Our sense of smell is as well. We can scent others emotions. It makes for a great lie detector. We are not like humans when it comes to relationships. We have fated mates. Those who are our other true half. We are fast and move with so much more grace than any other human. We live in packs. We support and help the others in our pack. We each have our own role to play. We need each other as well as want other wolves in our lives. Another wolf's touch can calm us but it is our mates that can really affect us." His voice was soft and his eyes were distant.

That was when it hit what he was saying. "The girlfriend you lost, she was your mate?"

He nodded. "When you lose your mate you lose a piece of yourself. You feel empty. Now if you are lucky you can find that person that helps fill that void. Whether it is romantic or a friendship bond. They could never replace your mate but it helps fill some of the void."

This was getting a little too much for me. "How long do I have to decide?"

M1 sighed again. He knew I was getting ready to shut down. "A week at the most but you need to keep yourself as calm as possible. Strong emotions can trigger your change."

Great! This just sucked balls. "Ok," I said instead of saying what I wanted too. "Thanks for explaining. I am just going to get some more sleep." I shifted back in my bed and started to climb under my covers. I was still tired but I had too much to think about.

M1 stood up and started to walk to the door. "I will see you at breakfast tomorrow." It wasn't a request. It was a clear order. I hummed my agreement and laid down.

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