Chapter 14

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May 15, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

 There were good points and bad points when your emotions consume every part of your mind and body. The good point was that it kicked my ass and sleep found me quick. The bad point was I slept deep and hard but not long. I think I ended up falling asleep before 9 and now it was 2am and I was wide awake and restless. I knew it was a waste of time to even try to get some more sleep so I got up and put on my workout clothes.

I moved through the dimly lit house so I would not wake anyone, more like so no one would spot me. I headed towards the kitchen and slipped out the back door and jogged over to the training building. The only lights that were on were the emergency lights so I knew I was alone. Already in a routine when it came to this place I grabbed a bottle of water, a towel, taped for my hands and plugged in my ipod. Hitting play I stood still closing my eyes and let the music consume my body. Letting the beat slowly calm my nerves before picking up the rope to start my warm up. Feeling satisfied after 10 minutes I walked over to the punching bag. Starting off slow, giving my muscles a chance to warm up, I took my time testing each punch, jab, and kick. Feeling the music in my bones the beat became harsher and so did my punches.

I wasn't sure how long I was at it for but the familiar burn that started to spread through my body was well welcomed. What wasn't welcomed was the sense that I was no longer alone. I wasn't sure who was in the building with me but I could feel their eyes on me for the past 15 minutes. As each minute passed the tension grew within me. Even though they kept their distance it was starting to affect my workout. My punches started to fall off beat and became weak and my kicks started to get sloppy.

Finally having enough I stopped abruptly, stomped over to the sound system and turned down the music so I could find out who the hell was here and what they wanted. "What?" I snapped as I turned around before I knew who was in there with me.

"I came to apologize." I stood there dumbfounded as M1 walked further into the building from where he stood just inside the door. He took my silence as permission for him to continue. "I...ah...I lost someone I deeply cared about a few years ago and I can get a little...ah...overprotective and...ah...aggressive." He stumbled over his words. I could see this was not a comfortable subject for him but I didn't know how to respond. "Anyways I just wanted to say sorry for attacking you the way I did. I just got worried when no one knew where you were."

He didn't so much look at me with any expectations to reply but there was something in his eyes I just couldn't understand. "It wasn't my intent to do that. To worry anyone I mean. I just want to eat and have some alone time." Not exactly an apology but it was the best he was going to get. I still didn't see what I did wrong. I wasn't told I was a prisoner or anything.

He nodded as if he understood. "I would still like to take you to school. I will also give you my number so you can call or text if you need anything and that includes alone time. Sorry again, I never thought of that earlier. Oh, also if you want after dinner tonight we can start your training?" He rushed out the last part as if knowing that alone would get me to agree.

Unfortunately he was right. "Sounds like a plan. But you. Not Nick." As soon as it left my mouth I regretted the words. By bringing up Nick's name was most likely to add to questions.

I could see he wanted to ask and he was quiet for a good minute before he nodded. "Agreed. Here," he said as he walked forward with a slip of paper in his hand. When he was in reaching distance I took the offered paper. "My number. Maybe you could text me once you add the number to your phone so I can have yours as well? Anyways I am heading back to get some sleep. Maybe we could skip the run today? Sorry I know you like to start off your mornings with a run and I promise you we will get back in that routine soon."

Not Your Luna--The Broken Bond (book 1 COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now